Cindy Holden
Payola: Call for All States to Take Record Companies to Court
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Writing in his "Communication Nation" column exclusively for Advertising Industry Newswire(TM), Scott G (recording artist THE G-MAN) makes a startling suggestion: 49 more states should sue the major record companies. Everyone in the music business knows that Universal Music Group will pay a $12,000,000 fine for illegal practices (commonly called payola). The charges were brought by Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of the state of New York, and the money will go to... the state of New York.
Organ Concerts Mark 1906 San Francisco Music Culture by Organist Keith Thompson April 22 and 23

San Diego Business Executive and Pilatus Help Recreate History with Ecuador III – The Spirit of Goodwill

Fourth Annual Russian Nights Festival Set to Light Up Los Angeles in April, 2006