Government Appointments

California appointments to government agencies, councils, boards and related; including Governor appointments.

Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Appointments for March 13-15, 2017 include State Water Resources Control Board

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Tam Doduc, 50, of Sacramento, has been reappointed to the State Water Resources Control Board, where she has served since 2005. Doduc served in several positions at the California Environmental Protection Agency from 2000 to 2005, including deputy secretary for environmental quality, assistant secretary for air and chemical programs, assistant secretary for agriculture and chemical programs and assistant secretary for technology certification.
Speaker Anthony Rendon

Calif. Asm. Speaker Rendon Appoints Rosemead Mayor Pro Tem Polly Low to Commission on Asian & Pacific Islander Affairs

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) has appointed Polly Low, the Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Rosemead, to the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs.
Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell

Calif. Asm. O’Donnell Reappointed to Lead the Assembly Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This past week, Calif. Assemblymember Speaker Anthony Rendon (D – Lakewood) announced he has renamed Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell (D – Long Beach) as Chair of the Assembly Select Committee on Ports and Goods Movement. Assemblymember O’Donnell’s district includes the twin ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, which together represent the two busiest maritime hubs in the United States.
Calif. Senator Tony Mendoza

Calif. Senator Tony Mendoza Appointed to The Joint Legislative Audit Committee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León today appointed Senator Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee (JLAC). The Senate Rules Committee confirmed the appointment Wednesday afternoon.
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Appointments for Feb. 21, 2017 include California Earthquake Authority Advisory Panel

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Tuesday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Christiana Tiedemann, 59, of Berkeley, has been appointed deputy secretary for law enforcement and counsel at the California Environmental Protection Agency.
Speaker Anthony Rendon

Calif. Speaker Rendon Appoints Bell Mayor Saleh to Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) this week announced the appointment of Mayor Ali Saleh of the City of Bell to serve on the board of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy.
SF Mayor Edwin Lee

SF Mayor and City Administrator Appoints Carrie Bishop as City’s First Chief Digital Services Officer

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Friday, S.F. Mayor Edwin M. Lee and City Administrator Naomi M. Kelly today announced the appointment of Carrie Bishop to serve as San Francisco’s first Chief Digital Services Officer.
Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown announces Appointments for Feb. 8, 2017 including State Council on Developmental Disabilities

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Sid Voorakkara, 46, of San Diego, has been appointed deputy director of external affairs at the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz), where he has served as senior business development specialist since 2013.
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Feb. 7, 2017, including to California Department of Technology

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments for Feb. 7 -- first, Cindy Messer, 48, of Sacramento, has been appointed chief deputy director at the California Department of Water Resources, where she has served as assistant chief deputy director since 2016. She was deputy director of the Planning, Performance and Technology Division at the Delta Stewardship Council from 2012 to 2016.
California State Assembly

Calif. State Assembly Elects Dr. Bryon G. Gustafson as Chief Sergeant-at-Arms

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The California State Assembly today unanimously elected Bryon G. Gustafson, Ph.D., to serve as the Assembly’s chief sergeant-at-arms. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) administered the oath of office to Dr. Gustafson shortly after the vote.
Speaker Anthony Rendon

Calif. Assembly Speaker Rendon Announces 2017 Assembly Committee Assignments

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) announced the members of Assembly committees. Among the changes this year, the number of women committee chairs has doubled under Speaker Rendon, and women hold membership on every committee.
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown announces Appointments for Jan. 9, 2017 including to Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Monday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Michelle Baass, 42, of Sacramento, has been appointed deputy secretary of the Office of Program and Fiscal Affairs at the California Health and Human Services Agency.
Calif. Assemblymember Ash Kalra

Calif. Assemblymember Ash Kalra Named Chair of the Assembly Committee on Aging and Long-Term Care

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California State Assemblymember Ash Kalra has been named Chair of the Assembly Committee on Aging & Long-Term Care by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon. It is relatively rare for a newly elected Assemblymember to be appointed as Chair and Kalra is one of only four newly elected legislators in the Assembly to be appointed Chair of a Standing Committee and one of only two who have never previously served in the Assembly to be appointed as a Committee Chair.
Assemblymember Kevin McCarty

Calif. Assemblymember Kevin McCarty Named Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D – Paramount) today named Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D- Sacramento) Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance. The Chairmanship oversees the largest component of California’s multi-billion dollar annual budget, which in 2016 spent $88.3 billion on K-12 education programs and $30 billion supporting California’s Community College, CSU and UC systems. McCarty previously served as Chair of the Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance in the 2015-16 legislative session.
Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell

Calif. Assemblymember O’Donnell Reappointed to Lead 2017 Assembly Education Committee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell (D – Long Beach) was renamed as Chair of the Assembly Education Committee by Speaker Anthony Rendon. The committee is instrumental in shaping state policy impacting schools, students and teachers in California. Assemblymember O’Donnell issued the following statement on the appointment....
Speaker Anthony Rendon

California Speaker Rendon Announces 2017 State Leadership Team, Committee Chairs

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) announced committee chair and Democratic leadership appointments. The appointments are effective immediately.
Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Governor Brown Appointments for Nov. 21-29, 2016 including California Student Aid Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ --This week, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Michael Martel, 62, of Rancho Murieta, has been appointed warden at the California Health Care Facility, Stockton, where he has been acting warden since August 2016 and served as chief deputy warden in 2016 and as a correctional lieutenant from 1990 to 1996.
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Names U.S. Congressman Xavier Becerra California’s Next Attorney General

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today named U.S. Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA) to replace Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, who was elected to the U.S. Senate last month. The nomination, which is subject to confirmation by the California State Assembly and Senate, will be officially submitted after Attorney General Harris resigns.
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Appointments for Oct. 6-7, 2016 include California Cybersecurity Integration Center

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- During the first week of Oct. 2016, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Keith...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Sept. 8, 2016 including California State Rehabilitation Council

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Thursday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Victoria Benson, 62, of Fresno, has been reappointed to the California State Rehabilitation Council, where she has served since 2014. Benson has been adult transition project coordinator at the Exceptional Parents Unlimited Region 3 Parent Training and Information Center since 2005.
Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown

Calif. Governor Brown Announces Appointments for Sept. 6, 2016

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This week, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Joyce E. Dudley, 63, of Carpinteria,...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for June 9, 2016 including Contractors State License Board

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Thursday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Peter Cervinka, 44, of Sacramento, has...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for May 31, 2016 including State 9-1-1 Advisory Board

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Amy Miller, 42, of Folsom, has been...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Mar. 29, 2016 including the California Natural Resources Agency

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Tuesday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Jemahl Amen, 45, of Sacramento has...
Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for March 10-14, 2016 including California Volunteers Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This week, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Sandra Alfaro, 50, of Hanford,...
SF Mayor Edwin Lee

S.F. Mayor Lee Swears in New Appointments and Reappointments to City Boards

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Last week, March 7, San Franciso Mayor Edwin M. Lee swore in the following new appointments and reappointments...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Feb. 22, 2016 including Park and Recreation Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Monday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Steven Cliff, 46, of Sacramento, has...
Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Feb. 16, 2016 including Department of Finance

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Tues., Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Amy Costa, 39, of Alameda, has...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Feb. 12, 2016 including Mental Health Services Oversight

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Nathaniel Allen, 55, of Sacramento, has been...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Feb. 10, 2016 including to Health Professions Education Foundation Board

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Elizabeth Echols, 55, of Berkeley, has been...
Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Feb. 3, 2016 including to Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Intervention

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Wednesday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Raymond Madden, 50, of Imperial, has...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Jan. 19-20, 2016 including to Agricultural Associations

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This week, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments: First, Charlene Taylor, 63, of Elk...
Calif. Governor Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Jan. 6, 2016 including to the Dental Hygiene Committee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Meredith McKenzie, 44, of Los Gatos, has...
Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Jan. 5, 2016 including Health Professions Education Foundation Board

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Tuesday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced a wide variety of new appointments for the first...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Dec. 18, 2015 including to Department of Toxic Substances Control

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Friday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: Russell Atterberry, 39, of Folsom, has been...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Nov. 9, 2015 including to 39th District Agricultural Association

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Monday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Andrew Campbell, 23, of Oakdale, has...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for July 16, 2015 including to Dept. of Resources Recycling and Recovery

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This past Thursday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Jorge Jaramillo, 43, of San...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for June 8-12, 2015 including Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This past week, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced a wide range of appointments for June 8-12, including:...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for June 3, 2015 including to California Native American Heritage Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Jacque Roberts, 35, of West Sacramento, has...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for May 7-8, 2015 including to Department of Consumer Affairs

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Friday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Edgar L. Gill Jr, 50, of...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for May 6, 2015 including to California Citizens Compensation Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Wednesday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Matina Kolokotronis, 50, of Sacramento, has...
Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for April 16, 2015 including to Department of Human Resources

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Jim Zamora, 56, of Davis, has been...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for April 8-10, 2015 including to Advisory Council on Early Learning and Care

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On April 10, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: first, Barry Steinhart, 57, of Plumas...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for March 18, 2015 including State Council on Developmental Disabilities

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Wednesday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, David Long, 49, of Tehachapi, has...
Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for March 12, 2015 including Domestic Violence Advisory Council

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following two appointments: First, Mark Beckley, 44, of Gold River,...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for March 11, 2015 including Transportation Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Wednesday this week announced the following appointments: First, Alicia Fowler, 49, of...
Calif Gov Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for March 11, 2015 including California Water Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Yesterday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Paula Daniels, 59, of Los Angeles, has...
Calif. Governor Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for March 11, 2015 to State Board of Education

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Wednesday announced the following appointments: First, Aida Molina, 61, of Bakersfield, has...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for March 4-9, 2015 including California Physician Assistant Board

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Monday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced the following appointments: First, Scott Kernan, 54, of West...
Calif. Governor Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Feb. 25, 2015 including to Commission on Judicial Performance

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Wednesday, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Nanci Nishimura, 61, of San Mateo,...