CA Health

California Health News – including biotech, pharma, healthcare, research and medical news

Suddenly Her Husband Needed Long Term Care: An LTC Insurance Agent's Poignant Story

KIRKLAND, Wash. -- It can be instructive to consider not just what long term care insurance professionals recommend, but what they do -- for their own personal protection. A good example is the case of Kim Galatolo, an agent with LTC Financial Partners LLC (LTCFP), one of the nation's most experienced long term care insurance agencies. In California, where Galatolo lives and works, the firm is known as LTC Partners & Insurance Services, LLC.

First Lady Michelle Obama's 'Let's Move' Initiative Will Be Launched in Brooklyn

BROOKLYN, N.Y. -- Concerned Community 4 Change and Interfaith Medical Center will host a Health Forum and Food Expo with the focus on Childhood Obesity. On March 29, 2010, from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Concerned Community 4 Change an organization that addresses the issues of childhood obesity in line with First Lady Michelle Obama's national initiative, will launch its obesity initiative at Boys and Girls High School, 1700 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, New York.

San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Amir M. Karam Named 2010 Best Cosmetic Surgeon by Ranch and Coast Magazine

SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- Dr. Amir M. Karam has received the 2010 Readers Choice Award and named the 2010 Best Cosmetic Surgeon by Ranch and Coast Magazine. The annual honor is awarded by readership voters of Ranch and Coast Magazine and featured in the '2010 Best of in Health and Beauty Section' of the March edition. The publication highlights practices that exemplify excellence in their specialty and have a high level of patient satisfaction.

Sher Institute Donating Free IVF Cycles at Upcoming Seminars

LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine (SIRM) is donating free In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments at upcoming seminars in New Jersey, Texas and Pennsylvania. The initiative reflects Sher Institute's desire to help patients who are in need of treatment but can't afford it during these tough economic times. Sher Institute plans to roll out the free cycle program to all of the SIRM centers around the country.

Interactive Web Site Provides Resources So Seniors May Age in Place

OOLTEWAH, Tenn. --, a free Web site designed to assist seniors with aging at home, announced this week a recent expansion of its site's resources and content. Live-At-Home places an emphasis on health care and related issues of aging in place. Practical information is provided in an easy-to-use format and experts are available to answer individual questions.

State-Wide Media Call on Tuberculosis announced by Breathe California

SAN JOSE, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Tuberculosis (TB) is still a global and local threat. Hear the latest global, U.S., California, and local trends...

Breathe California Announces State-Wide Media Call on Tuberculosis for World TB Day

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Tuberculosis (TB) is still a global and local threat. Hear the latest global, U.S., California, and local trends in TB, and recommendations from the experts. Breathe California is hosting a state-wide Media Call on Tuberculosis on Tuesday, March 23, 10:30 a.m. PDT. March 24th is World TB Day.

Muscle Mechanics Promotes Positive Health in Negative Economic Environment

HOUSTON, Texas -- The current state of the economy continues to be on the minds of many. And, while the primary focus is on the financial bottom line, an even more worrisome impact of a poor economy is poor health. Muscle Mechanics works to alleviate some contributing stressors. Today, people are faced with some of life's toughest challenges.

Epeius Biotechnologies Receives Notice of Patent Allowance for Tumor-Targeted Cancer Vaccines

SAN MARINO, Calif. -- Epeius Biotechnologies Corporation, an emerging leader in the field of targeted genetic medicine, received a notice of allowance from the USPTO for a crucial patent covering its leading tumor-targeted vaccine technology for cancer immunotherapy. The issuance of this valuable patent protection for tumor targeted immunotherapy follows on the heels of two international patents covering targeted gene medicine in the U.S. and Europe.

CoreObjects Receives Project Management Institute's 'Excellence Award' for Diabetes Contribution

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- CoreObjects is proud to announce the achievement of the Project Management Institute's (PMI) 'Excellence Award' for their role in helping launch a product that enhances the quality of life for patients suffering from diabetes. CoreObjects and their customer Piramal Healthcare shared PMI's 'Project Management Excellence Award' for their management of the concept and development of the HbA1c Blood Sugar Analysis device, designed for diabetes patients.

Interim HealthCare Opens New Franchise Office in Detroit, Michigan

SUNRISE, Fla. -- While the economy has forced many businesses to cut back, Interim HealthCare Inc., the nation's leading health care franchise company, is expanding. Interim HealthCare announced the opening of a new franchise to serve the home care needs in the Detroit, Michigan area. 'As the population continues to age, the need for home care services becomes even greater,' said new owner Mojeeb Shahbain.

Reports Indicate Fluramene to Provide Earlier and Easier Detection of Ocular Surface Disorders

EUGENE, Ore. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Noble Vision Group, LLC, a research and development organization today announced reports of favorable results for the topical dye formulation, Fluramene(TM), among leading eye care professionals. Fluramene, the proprietary Fluorescein Sodium and Lissamine Green dye combination is a sterile solution packaged in a 15mL bottle with a control tip dropper. The benefits of both dyes have been studied comprehensively and are well reported as diagnostic tools used independent of each other.

Online Screener to Offer Help for Millions Suffering from Any of Four Common Psychiatric Illnesses

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A one-page online checklist that can be completed in a few minutes accurately indicates whether a patient may have any of four major mental health conditions, according to a study to be published in the March/April 2010 issue of the Annals of Family Medicine. The free, Web-based screener, developed by M-3 Information, is available on-line. The M-3 Checklist is private, simple to use, and does not require any personal information to be divulged.

Los Angeles Hair Transplant Cosmetic Surgeon Corrects Bad Hair Transplants with New Hair Restoration Method

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- FineTouch Dermatology, Inc. announces the Body Hair Transplantation (BHT) hair restoration method. This new method provides patients with the opportunity to fix bad hair transplants damaged by traditional hair restoration techniques. This new and exciting option is now offered by Dr. Sanusi Umar, a Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon and board certified dermatologist who is internationally known for his incredible hair transplant surgery repairs.

Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon Dr. Michael Sundine Named 2010 Physician of Excellence by The Orange County Medical Association

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Orange County Medical Association (OCMA) has named Dr. Michael Sundine a 2010 Physician of Excellence in Plastic Surgery. The annual honor is awarded by the OCMA and published by Orange Coast Magazine to recognize physicians who exemplify excellence in their specialty, demonstrate outstanding leadership, teaching and mentoring qualities as well as participate in research and humanitarian services. Dr. Sundine has been named a Physician of Excellence in Plastic Surgery for five consecutive years.

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Actions to Fight Obesity, Promote Healthy Living

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Following a moderated discussion with President Clinton at the Governor’s 2010 Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity: Actions for...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Convenes 2010 Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity: Actions for Healthy Living

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Joined by President Bill Clinton, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today convened the Governor’s 2010 Summit on Health, Nutrition and...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces More Than $100 Million Recovery Act Investment In Advancing Use Of Health Information Exchange and Technology

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Schwarzenegger on Friday announced that California will receive more than $100 million in funding from the American Recovery and...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces 2010 Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity: Action for Healthy Living

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced he will host the 2010 Summit on Health, Nutrition and Obesity: Action for Healthy...

Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation to offer program on practical verbal self-defense

COSTA MESA /California Newswire/ -- The Shuyokan Dojo in Costa Mesa, California is pleased to announce a new course offering: In Control - Practical...

Nava and California Breast Cancer Survivors Urge State Leaders to Spare Cuts to Breast Cancer Screening

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymembers Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara), Noreen Evans (D-Santa Rosa), and Susan G. Komen for the Cure, health organizations, breast cancer...

Southern Calif. event offers free diabetes and high blood pressure screenings to African American men at barbershops

LOS ANGELES /California Newswire/ -- Some 100 barbershops throughout Los Angeles and the Inland Empire will be bustling with extra activity this Saturday, November...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Barstow Veterans Home Receives Highest Possible Honor for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

BARSTOW /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced that the Veterans Home of California in Barstow (VHC-Barstow) has received the highest possible honor...

Gov. Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation to Restore Funding to Calif.’s Domestic Violence Shelters

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed SBX3 13 by Senator Elaine Alquist (D-San Jose) to restore $16.3 million of state funding...

Modern Breast Cancer Screening Now Available to Low-Income Women

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Signs Assemblymember Nava’s AB 359. Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara) announced today that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed his legislation...

Californians Urged to Prepare for Upcoming Flu Season

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today urged Californians to prepare for the upcoming flu season during a visit to California’s state-of-the-art Richmond...

Sit ‘n Sleep’s Guides Tired Southern Californians on Improving Sleep

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- According to data from thousands of recent sleep survey respondents, SleepBook has found that residents in Southern California...

California Residents by the Thousands Are Getting Better Sleep Thanks to

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Sit 'n Sleep, the sponsor of the recently-launched website, announces an impressive level of user engagement for...

Sleep Studies Indicate that Sleep Loss May Contribute to Weight Gain

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Is your mattress making you fat?, sponsored by Sit 'n Sleep, recently interviewed two sleep experts to...

IBD Web Portal for Young Adults Offers Support for Living Independently

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Children's Digestive Health & Nutrition Foundation (CDHNF) and Starlight Children's Foundation announced the launch of "IBDU: Graduating to...

Terasaki Foundation to Host Update on Higher Incidence of Glaucoma Among Asians in S.F.

SAN FRANCISO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The Glaucoma Research Foundation with Hisako and Paul I. Terasaki, MD will host an update and reception on...

Chicago Faucets’ ECAST Line Allows California Schools to Immediately Address Latest Safety Standards for Drinking Water

SACRAMENTO -- Ongoing efforts by state legislators to provide the safest drinking water possible to the residents, and especially to the children of California,...

Rexin-G for Metastatic Cancer Aptly Highlighted by National Cancer Institute Journal

SAN MARINO -- Epeius Biotechnologies Corporation today announced that Rexin-G®, its lead product in development for metastatic cancer, has been highlighted in a recent...

Author Dr. Gregg J. Carb Releases New Book Demonstrating Good Health Starts with Good Posture

SAN FRANCISCO -- So, maybe mom was right. People should sit up straight because it could be affecting their health. A new book released...

Athletic-Minded Traveler adds Customized Run Routes to Stayfit@Hyatt Program

SAN DIEGO -- Athletic-Minded Traveler(R) today announced that Hyatt Hotels & Resorts' North American properties will provide jogging and fitness-walking guests with palm-size route...

YoungYou Expands Headquarters in Los Angeles and Will Open Rejuvenation Center

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- YoungYou Corporation, an international weight-loss and anti-aging research and development company, today affirmed its commitment to enabling its customers to...

Millions Join First Global Laugh For World Peace

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Dr. Madan Kataria, creator of Laughter Yoga, has long dreamt of having simultaneous laughter sessions in different parts of the...

Northern California Physician Incorporates His Personal Experience Into an Individualized Treatment Approach for Optimizing Fertility

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- 7.3 million women experience infertility each year in the U.S. alone. In fact, 1 in 5 women have difficulty conceiving as more women than ever are having their first or subsequent child after the age of 35, a contributing factor of infertility. Enter Dr. Robert Greene's forthcoming book, "PERFECT HORMONE BALANCE FOR FERTILITY: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Pregnant" (ISBN: 978-0-307-33740-5).

Cypress Systems, Inc. Launches Cancer Prevention Health Campaign

Cypress SystemsFRESNO, Calif. -- Chairman and CEO, Paul Willis stated, "Just like his previous career at a large agribusiness company, Dr. Mark E. Whitacre has risen fast at Cypress Systems, Inc, last month being named the company's chief operating officer and president of operations." Now Cypress and Whitacre are focusing their energy on an aggressive cancer prevention campaign in order to get Americans-and people around the world-to consume a special type of selenium.

Provocative New Book Exposes Effects of Hypnotism

GILROY, Calif. -- Bookstand Publishing announces the release of "Revelation of the Unrevealed" (ISBN: 978-1-58909-431-4), authored by Michael O'Patrickson, and based on real-life experiences. At the core of the book is a discussion and analysis of hypnotism.

New Book by Skin Expert and Geneticist Reveals Ways to Enhance and Alter Skin Color

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- The old adage that "beauty is only skin deep" is true, but diet and lifestyle make it possible to change the skin's color, if so desired. "Unlocking the Mystery of Skin Color" (ISBN: 978-0-9792103-0-3), a new book scheduled to be released by Thienna, Inc., in mid-December, provides tips on how to control and to change the skin's color.

Always Best Care Senior Services Expands Into San Joaquin County, Calif.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Always Best Care Senior Services has expanded into the San Joaquin County, California area. America's premier In-Home Care, Assisted Living Placement Service, and Personal Response Company, is proud to announce seniors in San Joaquin County can now rely on Always Best Care Senior Services for outstanding care.

Cell Phones, iPods, MP3 Players and Habit Braker Enterprises Inc. Now Bring a Very Real Health Solution to Everyone

MENIFEE, Calif. -- Habit Braker Enterprises Inc., a privately held California corporation, has developed a new and highly effective way to help everyone make it to their healthy goals! Using short, healthy issue specific messages, that last only between seconds and about a minute, that have been developed to be placed into portable audio devices.

New Book: Studies Prove Exercise Can Heal the Body Mind and Soul

Body-Mind-Soul SolutionSAN MATEO, Calif. -- The power of exercise is the key theme of "The Body-Mind-Soul Solution" (ISBN: 1933648546), a new book by author Bob Livingstone. Earlier this year Newsweek profiled several studies that have shown that exercise can make you smarter by its ability to cause older nerve cells to form dense, interconnected webs that make the brain run faster and more efficiently.

Healthy Life Centers’ Web Site Provides a Free Referral Service and Helps Smokers Kick the Habit

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. -- Healthy Life Centers puts the power to quit smoking in the minds of the people through a free, referral service that directs them to certified hypnosis programs in their local vicinity. National statistics reveal that there are approximately 51 million Americans who smoke, daily. Out of that group, 35 million want to quit.

New Weight Loss Book Teaches Dieters How to Change Behaviors and Keep the Weight Off

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- When it comes to weight loss, finding an understanding doctor can be almost impossible. Just ask Hamilton Erridge, author of the new book "Creating Your New Lifestyle" (ISBN: 0-9793455-0-2). Erridge communicates thoughts about weight loss and long-term success to the reader through a rare combination of warmth, humor, inspiration, and cautionary stories.

Working Together Announces Light & Energy Shifting Weekend Retreat in Point Reyes, Calif.

Shirley RyanPETALUMA, Calif. -- Working Together is offering a unique premier weekend retreat where guests will use a combination of guided meditation, group discussion, and visioning tools to build energy, shed past practices, old belief systems, distress and participate in an intimate journey of renewal. The retreat will be held Friday June 29, through Sunday July 1, 2007.

Renowned Fitness Expert Stresses the Importance of Physical Play at the Kids Fitness Challenge

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- If John Abdo has his way 10,000 elementary school children are going to have a day they will never forget! The renowned fitness expert will be providing fun-filled lessons on physical play, that he hopes these kids will take to heart. The Fitness Hall of Fame inductee will be emceeing the Kids Fitness Challenge at the illustrious Rose Bowl, Saturday, January 27th.

The Fitness Challenge Foundation Launches Initiative to End Childhood Obesity Epidemic

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- The Fitness Challenge Foundation has taken the initial step towards getting our nation's children in better shape. The not-for-profit organization has partnered with the California State University system to implement a first of its kind initiative that will provide physical activities programs for elementary schools.

2006: The Best Hotel Gyms in the U.S. – Announces Its Annual Best Hotel Gym List

Athletic Minded TravelerSAN DIEGO, Calif. -- Athletic-Minded Traveler LLC, a Southern California-based active lifestyle media company that operates the largest healthy travel site on the web,, released today its 2006 ranking of "The Best Hotel Gyms in the U.S." The Top 11 hotel gyms received the company's recommendation after in-depth research on over 3,000 hotels and anonymous personal tours by the editorial staff.