SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — When it comes to weight loss, finding an understanding doctor can be almost impossible. Just ask Hamilton Erridge, author of the new book “Creating Your New Lifestyle” (ISBN: 0-9793455-0-2). “Creating Your New Lifestyle” is a book about changing behaviors to lose weight. Erridge communicates thoughts about weight loss and long-term success to the reader through a rare combination of warmth, humor, inspiration, and cautionary stories.

“Too many medical professionals still don’t understand that in helping people to confront their eating issues and to lose weight, the reasons behind the eating must be understood and behaviors – changed,” Erridge explains. “Many doctors are more than happy to discuss diets, but there are very few who have actually been overweight themselves. As a result, they don’t fully understand the personal challenges facing their patients or know how to help them overcome these issues.”

In 2002, Erridge lost over 100 pounds. As a result, he founded the “New Lifestyle Diet” – a program focused not just on weight loss, but on providing people with the necessary tools and skills for overcoming their eating issues.

During his research, Erridge discovered that while many dieting options exist, every dieter must overcome a universal set of issues.

“Unless these issues are dealt with, managed, and overcome, the dieter is destined to repeat the past – no matter how successful they are on their diet,” Erridge said.

To help dieters avoid falling back into old habits, Erridge decided to share his proven approach to overcoming these issues in: “Creating Your New Lifestyle.”

Through the book, readers will learn how to identify and overcome behaviors that are causing them to be overweight; learn how to take a stand in life and make the decision to change; stay in the moment and learn to manage and control food cravings; overcome eating habits caused from stress, boredom, or comfort; identify the saboteurs around them and learn what to do about them; transform their body, self-esteem, and self-image; lose the weight; learn the secrets to keeping it off; and much more.

“As someone who has lived with overeating issues and being overweight, I know how hard life can be,” Erridge said. “So, I wrote this book with one simple goal in mind – to allow anyone on any diet the opportunity to gain control, create new skills and behaviors, and learn to not only lose the weight, but keep it off for the rest of their lives.”

“Creating Your New Lifestyle” is available on,, and on the web site: .

[tags]Hamilton Erridge, Creating Your New Lifestyle. San Francisco news[/tags]