Calif. Bill to Disclose Permanent Spending Programs by Assemblyman Mike Gatto Clears Significant Legislative Hurdle
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto's (D-Los Angeles) Assembly Bill (AB) 2220, a measure which would require disclosure to voters when...
Padilla Bill to Require Translation of Ballot Initiatives and Petitions Approved by Calif. Assembly Elections Committee
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Senate Bill 1233 authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) was approved by the Assembly Elections Committee today. SB...
Calif. Governor Brown Signs Legislation including AB 1519, AB 1743 and AB 2262
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -– Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills: AB 1519 by Assemblymember Bob...
S.F. Mayor Lee & President Chiu Introduce Measure to Reform San Francisco’s Business Tax Structure
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- SF Mayor Edwin M. Lee and Board President David Chiu on Tuesday introduced a proposal to reform the...
Padilla Bills Approved by State Senate, including SB 1108, SB 1233, and SB 1530
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The State Senate on Tuesday approved SB 1108 on a unanimous, bipartisan vote of 39 to 0. Authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), SB 1108 would reform the English Learners reclassification system by identifying and implementing uniform statewide best practices. The bill now moves to the State Assembly for consideration.
California Homemade Food Act by Assemblyman Mike Gatto Clears Assembly Floor with 56-17 Vote
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Tuesday, Assembly Bill 1616, the California Homemade Food Act, authored by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles), passed the Assembly Floor by a bipartisan vote of 56-17. The Act, which would allow for the sale of certain homemade, non- hazardous foods by creating a structure for 'cottage food operations,' now heads to the Calif. Senate.
Calif. State Senate Passes Bill to Protect Public's First Amendment Rights and Access to Communication Services
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The California State Senate on Friday passed SB 1160 authored by Senator Alex Padilla with unanimous bipartisan support 32 to 0. SB 1160 would protect California consumers by preventing the arbitrary interruption of communication services. The bill now goes to the State Assembly for consideration.
California Senate Paves Way for Driverless Cars – Legislation by Senator Padilla Would Establish Safety and Performance Standards
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Senate Bill 1298, authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), was passed by the State Senate today with unanimous bipartisan support. The vote was 37-0. The bill would establish safety and performance standards for the safe operation of autonomous vehicles on California roads and highways. The bill now goes to the State Assembly for consideration.
Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto Continues to Take a Stand Against Stadium Violence with AB 2464
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California Assembly Bill (AB) 2464, the Improving Personal Safety at Stadiums Act, authored by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles), passed two committees this week, both by a strong bipartisan margin. On Monday, the Act passed the Assembly Committee on Public Safety, and on Wednesday, it passed the Assembly’s Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism and Internet Media Committee.
California Genetic Privacy Bill Moves Forward – Padilla's SB 1267 to Protect a Person's DNA
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California's Senate Judiciary Committee today passed Senate Bill 1267, authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima). The bill would establish the California Genetic Information Privacy Act. The measure now goes to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration.
Padilla Bill to Comply California with Federal Voting Rights Act
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) today announced that his bill, SB 1233 (Padilla) was passed by the Senate Elections Committee. The bill would require ballot initiative petitions to be provided in other languages. The bill now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration.
Senate Education Committee Approves Padilla Bill to Protect California School Children
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The Calif. Senate Education Committee today approved SB 1530 authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima). The bill expedites and elevates the dismissal process for teachers and other certificated employees whose misconduct is serious and egregious. SB 1530 won the unanimous support of the committee. The bill now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration.
Calif. Bills to Protect the Public's Access to Communications Services Passed by Senate Committee
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The California Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee today passed SB 1160 and SB 1161 authored by Senator Alex Padilla with unanimous bipartisan support 13 to 0 and 12 to 0. SB 1160 would protect California consumers by preventing the arbitrary interruption of communications service. SB 1161 would affirm California's growing role as the leader of the global Internet economy.
Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto’s Green Fuels Bill Passes Key Hurdle
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California Assembly Bill 1900, authored by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles), a bill that would change the state's rules on Renewable Natural Gas, passed the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce on Monday by a vote of 11-1. The bill would change the rules for Renewable Natural Gas (also known as biomethane), a natural, renewable-energy source fuel. Current rules have been described by many as bizarre or simply counter-productive.
Calif. Senate Committee Approves Padilla Advanced Manufacturing Bill
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The Senate Governance and Finance committee today approved Senate Bill 1128 (Padilla) on a 7 to 0 vote. The bill would encourage investment, job creation and economic growth in California by allowing sales and use tax exemptions on the purchase of manufacturing equipment in the advanced manufacturing sector. The bill will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
California Autonomous Vehicle Bill Moves Forward: Senator Padilla Bill would Establish Standards for Testing and Operation
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- CA Senate Bill 1298, authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), passed the Senate Transportation Committee today on an 8 to 0 vote. The bill would establish safety and performance standards for the safe operation of autonomous vehicles on public roads in California.
Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto's Water Conservation Bill Clears First Committee
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- A key water-conservation bill introduced by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles) passed the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee today by a vote of 11-1.
Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto's Bill to Bring Back Vintage License Plates Clears Significant Legislative Hurdle
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- CA Assembly Bill (AB) 1658, a bill by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D–Los Angeles) that would allow car enthusiasts to apply to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for 'classic' California license plates, passed its first legislative hurdle on Monday.
Calif. Governor, Speaker, Pro Tem and Restoring California Coalition Announce Agreement on Nov. 2012 Ballot Measure
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., Assembly Speaker John A. Perez, Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and the Restoring California Coalition (the California Federation of Teachers, California Calls, the Courage Campaign and ACCE) joined forces on a new revenue initiative for the November 2012 ballot.
Calif. Senator Padilla Introduces Bill to Spur Manufacturing Jobs Creation in State
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) announced today the introduction of Senate Bill 1128, which would encourage investment, job creation and economic growth in California by exempting advanced manufacturing companies from paying sales and use taxes on manufacturing equipment.
Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto's Biogas Bill Means Clean Air, Renewable Energy, and California Jobs
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles) on Wednesday introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 1900, a bill that would change California's laws pertaining to biogas. Biogas (also known as bio-methane) is natural gas produced by decomposing matter.
Calif. Senator Padilla Bill to Protect Against Telecom Service Interruption
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) today introduced SB 1160 to protect California consumers by preventing the arbitrary interruption of telecommunications service.
Calif. Assemblyman Mike Gatto Introduces Bill to Allow Motorists to Show Registration and Proof of Insurance on Their Smartphones
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles) has introduced Assembly Bill 1708, amending the California Vehicle and Insurance Codes, to give California drivers the option to carry their proof of auto insurance and vehicle registration in electronic form, such as on a smartphone or other personal electronic device.
Calif. Governor Brown Signs Bill to Help California's 1.5 million English Learner Students Achieve English Proficiency
Sacramento, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 753 into law Saturday. The new law, authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), removes barriers California’s English Learners face when working to achieve English proficiency. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2012.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Oct. 10, 2011
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following bills: AB 9 by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) – Pupil rights: bullying. AB 22 by Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) – Employment: credit reports.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Oct. 9, 2011
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced on Sunday that he has signed the following bills: AB 74 by Assemblymember Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) – Public event action plans and cooperative agreements for agricultural inspector services. AB 126 by Assemblymember Mike Davis (D-Los Angeles) – Courts: judicial appointments.
Assemblymember Hall Legislation Signed Into California Law
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Isadore Hall, III (D – Los Angeles) today announced that he scored a number of legislative victories to create jobs, enhance public safety, protect the rights of workers and save California taxpayer dollars by increasing government efficiency.
Calif. Governor Brown Takes Action to Promote Renewable Energy and Protect the Environment
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced Saturday that he has taken action on legislation to protect California's environment and natural resources.
Calif. Governor Brown Signs California Dream Act
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Taking action to expand educational opportunity to all qualified students, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Saturday signed the California Dream Act. AB 131, authored by Assemblymember Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) allows top students who are on the path to citizenship to apply for college financial aid.
Calif. Governor Brown Takes Action to Improve Education
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced Saturday that he has taken action on legislation to improve education in California. The following bills have been signed by Governor Brown: AB 124 by Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes (D-Los Angeles) – Academic content standards: English language development standards.
Padilla Bill to Criminalize Cell Phones in Prisons Signed by Calif. Gov. Brown
Sacramento, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Senate Bill 26, authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), was signed by the Governor today. The new law will crack down on the smuggling and possession of cell phones and other wireless communication devices in California prisons. The law becomes effective immediately.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Sept. 30, 2011
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following bills: AB 436 by Assemblymember Jose Solorio (D-Santa Ana) – Public works: labor compliance. AB 536 by Assemblymember Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) – Physicians and surgeons.
Calif. Gov. Brown Takes Action on Legislation to Protect Seniors and Veterans
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following bills to protect senior citizens and veterans in California: AB 313 by Assemblymember William Monning (D-Santa Cruz) – Residential care facilities for the elderly.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Sept. 21, 2011
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following bills: AB 214 by Assemblymember Mike Davis (D-Los Angeles) – Professional photocopiers. AB 261 by Assemblymember Roger Dickinson (D-Sacramento) – Property tax: tax-defaulted property. AB 289 by Assemblymember Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) – Sales and use taxes: exemption: charitable thrift stores.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Sept. 7, 2011 (CORRECTED)
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ –- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following bills: AB 177 by Assemblymember Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) – Juveniles: parenting classes. AB 307 by Assemblymember Brian Nestande (R-Palm Desert) – Joint powers agreements: public agency: federally recognized Indian tribe.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Sept. 6, 2011 (CORRECTED)
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced on Tuesday that he has signed the following bills: AB 134 by Assemblymember Roger Dickinson (D-Sacramento) – Appropriation of water: Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. AB 147 by Assemblymember Roger Dickinson (D-Sacramento) – Subdivisions.
Calif. Governor Signs Senator Padilla's Smoke-Free Rental Housing Bill
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) announced today that Governor Jerry Brown has signed into law SB 332. This new law expands the availability of smoke-free housing in California by allowing landlords to prohibit smoking in rental units. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2012.
Calif. Gov. Signs Padilla Bill to Prevent Genetic Discrimination – Unruh Civil Rights Act Modernized to Reflect 21st Century
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California Senate Bill 559, a landmark civil rights protection bill authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown Tuesday night. The new law will protect Californians by prohibiting discrimination based on an individual’s genetic information. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2012.
Calif. Senator Alex Padilla and Speaker John Perez Announce L.A. Stadium and Convention Center Legislation
LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ --Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) and Assembly Speaker John A. Perez (D-Los Angeles) were joined by business and labor leaders at a press briefing today to announce legislation that could bring a new sports arena and convention center to downtown Los Angeles.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Sept. 1, 2011
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced Thursday that he has signed the following bills: AB 188 by Assemblymember Marty Block (D-San Diego) – Property tax exemption: principal residence: veterans and their unmarried surviving spouses. AB 571 by Assemblymember Curt Hagman (R-Chino Hills) – Corporations: distributions.
Calif. Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update for Aug. 31, 2011
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced today that he has signed the following bills: AB 139 by Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes (D-Los Angeles) – State claims. AB 434 by Assemblymember Dan Logue (R-Chico) – County penalties: forensic laboratories.
Calif. Senator Padilla Legislation on the Move: Two Bills Signed by Governor Brown with More on the Way
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Senator Alex Padilla’s (D-Pacoima) ambitious legislative agenda has already achieved some success this year with the Governor signing two of his bills and more working their way through the Legislature. Find below some of the highlights and status of pending legislation by Senator Padilla.
Padilla Bill to Criminalize Cell Phones in California Prisons Moves Forward
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Senate Bill 26, authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), was approved by the Assembly Appropriations Committee Thursday with unanimous bipartisan support. SB 26 would crack down on the smuggling and possession of cell phones and other wireless communication devices in California prisons. The bill now goes to the full Assembly for consideration.