Tag: GOP politics
Opinion: GOP Speeches are 110-percent Original
G on Politics (opinion/satire): All New! All Improved! All Original! That's how GOP officials are describing the content of Conservative statements and speeches. After the brouhaha over Melania Trump's plagiarizing of Michelle Obama's address to the 2008 Democratic convention, there has been more active scrutiny of all comments from Conservatives.
Opinion: Klaatu Talks Trump and Tiny Hands
G on Politics (Opinion/Satire): Is it possible to get an unbiased opinion of the 2016 presidential race? Yes! We interviewed Klaatu, the character from "Day the Earth Stood Still." The term "hevaltaagu" roughly translates as "American political conservative" or, alternately, "stupid beyond belief."
Opinion: GOP Flips and Flops
G on Politics (opinion): Conservative 'principles' are revealed when right-wingers endorse Donald Trump after condemning him as the worst thing since polio. Low-information voters in America are sometimes surprised when conservatives reveal that they have no morality....
Opinion: Trump Hunts Delegates
G on Politics (opinion): The race for the nomination of the Treason Party is heading toward a strange finish line called an 'open convention' or a 'contested convention.' Here is what will happen when irresistible farce (Trump) meets immovable idiot (Cruz).
Opinion: One Teeny Tiny Problem with a Trump Presidency
G on Politics (Opinion): Card-carrying members of the GOP are divided over the idea of backing Donald Trump for president. Some oppose him whole-heartedly. Others support him half-heartedly. Less, even. Eighth-heartedly. Sixteenth-heartedly. And for good reason.
Opinion: Marco Rubio and the GOP Work Ethic
G on Politics (opinion): Marco Rubio often doesn't show up for work. Instead of a pay cut or a demotion, he has been elevated to competing for the most important job in the world. Imagine how much better your life would be if you could take the same lazy approach to your work.