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Calif. Gov. Brown Signs Improved Nursing Home Care Standards into Law After Being Outdated for Nearly 20 Years

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- For nearly two decades nursing home workers have taken care of patients with inadequate care standards that put the elderly and those with disabilities at risk of injuries, falls, or insufficient supervision. Today, Governor Jerry Brown changed that by allocating monies in the final budget that would allow for the implementation of safer staffing standards for better care and working conditions in nursing homes. The decision comes after years of negotiations between SEIU 2015 nursing home workers and state leaders.

California Caregivers Push for More Accountability in Public Monies Used for State Respite Care Program

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Caregivers of those with disabilities are calling on the California State Legislature to support Assembly Bill 1380 to improve respite care accountability. Right now many vendors who contract with regional centers to provide the publicly funded service spend an absurd amount of money on administration costs for respite care instead of on the program itself. Testimony on this issue will be given during the first committee hearing on AB 1380 on Tuesday April 25, 2017, says SEIU Local 2015.

California Homecare Workers Seek Fix to Current State Payroll Processing System

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Tuesday, November 1, 2016, In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) providers from throughout the state will testify at...

Largest Long Term Care Workers Union in U.S. Celebrates One Year Anniversary with Groundbreaking Victories

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This week, SEIU Local 2015, one of the largest unions of long term care workers in the nation...

SEIU Local 2015 in Solidarity with California Advocates in Support of President Obama Executive Actions on Immigration

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument on President Obama’s deferred action initiatives, DAPA and expanded...