Tag: President Trump
Opinion: Leadership Skills in the Era of Trump
G on Politics (OPINION): Having an aversion to facts appears to be a requirement for holding a management position in the Trump administration. Also an aversion to morality. Just who's in charge around here, anyway?
Opinion: A Kinder, Gentler White Nationalism – Same Number of Crosses
G on Politics (OPINION/SATIRE): Conservatives deny that the rise of Trump demonstrates their racism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny. "At least half of that stuff is half made-up," says a (supposed) Trump spokesman. People in the Trump Conservative Coalition do not like the media. They sometimes appear friendly to broadcasters who are complimentary, but those who insist on asking pointed questions are detested bigly.
Opinion: Trump Spokesman Calms Frightened Americans
G on Politics (OPINION/SATIRE): Fear grips the land as Conservatism takes control of the United States. A member of Team Trump seeks to reassure everyone that things will be fine, just fine. The recent election victories of Conservatives -- taking control of the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives -- have understandably frightened people in the USA and around the world.