Hydroponic Vertical Farm Demonstration Center in Laguna Beach planned by EnviroIngenuity
LAGUNA BEACH, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- EnviroIngenuity's urban hydroponic vertical farming division today announced plans to develop a hydroponic vertical farming demonstration center in Laguna Beach. The Verti-Gro system, featured at the Epcot theme park at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida for the last 16 years, will be employed at the new demonstration facility.
Secretary Salazar, Gov. Brown Expand Partnership to Expedite Renewable Energy Projects in California
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today signed an agreement to expand a state and federal partnership that has, over the last two years, paved the way for more than a dozen utility-scale solar energy projects and more than 130 renewable power projects in California.
Calif. Senate Energy Committee Chair Alex Padilla to Hold Oversight Hearing on Unspent American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- State Senator Alex Padilla, Chair of the Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee announced today that he will hold an oversight hearing on Monday, October 31 at 10 a.m. in room 3191 in the State Capitol.
Calif. Senators Padilla and Wolk to Hold Oversight Hearing Focusing on Sales and Use Tax Exclusion Program
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The California Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee, Chaired by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) and the Committee on Governance and Finance, Chaired by Senator Lois Wolk (D-Davis) will hold a joint hearing in Sacramento tomorrow to review implementation of California's Advanced Transportation and Alternative Source Manufacturing Sales and Use Tax Exclusion Program.
Calif. Governor Brown Joins SunEdison to Announce Company's Relocation to California
BELMONT, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today visited the new headquarters of SunEdison in Belmont to mark the company’s decision to establish their world headquarters in California. The company, currently headquartered in Maryland, decided to make the move following actions by Governor Brown and the Legislature to create a friendlier business environment in California.
Calif. Gov. Brown Acts to Help Californians Save Money and Clean the Air with Solar Power
FOWLER, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Last Thursday (Sept. 22), on a day when the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District issued its third dirty air alert in a week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. visited Marshall Elementary School in Fowler and signed three bills that bolster the state’s commitment to clean energy.
L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa Celebrates Major Solar Installation Project In Central Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power General Manager Ron Nichols, Dr. Walter Jayasinghe and city officials on Friday celebrated the completion of a major solar panel installation project in central Los Angeles.
Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Conference on 12,000 Megawatts Goal
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced “The Governor’s Conference on Local Renewable Energy Resources,” a two-day event in Los Angeles that will explore how the public and private sectors can drive local energy generation to meet his 12,000 megawatts goal for California by 2020.
Calif. Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Boost Renewable Energy
MILPITAS, Calif. /California Newswire/ -– Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. today signed SBX1 2, which requires one-third of the state’s electricity to come from...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Celebrates Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Line Groundbreaking
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday (Dec. 9) celebrated the groundbreaking of the 117-mile Sunrise Powerlink transmission line. Spanning from Imperial...
Calif. Governor's Office of Economic Development Director Joel Ayala Issues Statement on Clean Energy 'State Report Cards'
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GoED) Director Joel Ayala today issued a statement after Clean Edge, a clean-tech research...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds Approval of Calico Solar Project in Southern California
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger applauded the California Energy Commission (CEC) decision on Thurs. (Oct. 28) to approve the Calico Solar...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Celebrates First-of-Its-Kind Renewable Energy Facility Groundbreaking
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today celebrated the groundbreaking of BrightSource Energy’s Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in Ivanpah, California. The...
San Mateo County Hosts Assembly Committee on California's Green Economy
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- San Mateo County hosted the Assembly Committee on California’s Green Economy Chaired by Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara)...
Energy Optimizers, USA is Pleased to Announce Hiring of New Engineer
TIPP CITY, Ohio -- Energy Optimizers, USA is proud to announce the hiring of recently graduated mechanical engineer from the University of Cincinnati, Mr. James Bonar. James' final engineering project was designing, building, and testing a wind turbine as a home installation kit. With a background in engineering and alternative energy, Energy Optimizers, USA was an ideal fit for the recent grad.
Nava Holds Hearing on Threats Posed by Oil and Gas Production Along California Coastline
GOLETA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The City of Goleta hosted an oversight hearing today conducted by Assemblymember Pedro Nava, Chair of the Assembly Committee...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds CEC Approval of Nearly 1,000 MW of Solar Power
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday (Sept. 29) applauded the California Energy Commission (CEC) vote to approve the construction of the...
Sharewell L.P. Completes the Purchase of its Electro-Trac EM Technology from E-Spectrum Technologies, Inc.
HOUSTON, Texas -- Sharewell L.P. is pleased to announce that it has completed the purchase of the patented, proprietary EM MWD technology jointly developed pursuant to an exclusive license agreement between E-Spectrum Technologies and Sharewell L.P.
California Recovery Task Force Director Rick Rice Applauds Energy Commission on Approval of $33 Million Award for Energy Program
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- California Recovery Task Force Director Rick Rice yesterday (Sept. 22) issued the following statement regarding the California Energy Commission’s...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds Approval of Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday (Sept. 22) applauded the California Energy Commission (CEC) vote to approve the construction of BrightSource...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces New Clean Energy Jobs Website
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday (Sept. 9) issued the following statement on a new state website that provides California with...
Tipp City Schools Save Money and the Environment
TIPP CITY, Ohio (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Tipp City Exempted Village School district wanted to reduce its energy expenses and engaged Greg Smith, President of Energy Optimizers, USA to do just that. According to a report released this week, the public / private partnership has provided the district with $11K in energy savings during the first 5 months of 2010 on electric and gas utilization.
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds Small Business Recipients of Clean Technology Grants
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- On Monday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued the following statement after California small businesses topped the list of awardees for...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds PUC Decision to Help Spur Electric Vehicle Charging Market
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today applauded the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision to not regulate companies that sell electric...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Celebrates California Receiving the Most Clean Tech Investment in No. America
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday (July 9) issued the following statement celebrating the latest numbers released by the Cleantech...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Report Showing Continued Success in California Solar Initiative
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Friday issued the following statement after the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued a report...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Celebrates First Phase Completion of Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project to Green the Grid
SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today celebrated the completion of the first phase of Southern California Edison’s Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project,...
Calif. Assemblymember Nava Introduces Oil Industry Fair Share Act
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- On the eve of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s State of the State Address, and the release of his 2010-11 Budget Proposal,...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces 244 Proposed Renewable Energy Projects Throughout State
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the first comprehensive list of 244 proposed renewable energy projects that could produce up to...
Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds CPUC Decision to Approve 4,500 MW Power Project
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement after the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved Southern California Edison’s request...
Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Celebrates Opening of World’s Largest Landfill Gas to Liquefied Natural Gas Facility in Calif.
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today celebrated the opening of the world’s largest landfill gas to liquefied natural gas (LFG-to-LNG) facility in...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Secures Commitment to Continue Net Metering for Solar
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement after Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) committed to increase the amount of...
Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds President Obama’s Investment in Smart Grid, Providing Boost to Renewable Energy Projects
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement applauding President Barack Obama’s announcement to invest $3.4 billion in smart-grid technology...
Nava to Introduce Oil Industry Fair Share Act – New Legislation will make Big Oil Pay for California Crude
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D - Santa Barbara) will be joined by seniors, school employees, healthcare providers, environmentalists and others to...
Gov. Schwarzenegger and Secretary Salazar Sign MOU to Expedite Renewable Energy Development in Calif.
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Further laying the groundwork for California to reach its environmental goals, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed a memorandum of understanding...
$49.6 Million in Recovery Funding Awarded to Advance Local State Energy Efficiency Programs
SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- California today received $49.6 million to advance local energy efficiency programs under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Energy...
JatrophaBioJet Corporation to Develop the Jatropha Advanced Biofuels Market
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- JatrophaBioJet Corporation (jatrophabiojet.com) will develop the Jatropha/advanced biofuels market for jet, turbine and aerospace applications. JatrophaBioJet provides a...
Limnia, Inc. Partnership to Deliver Leading Energy Storage Solution to Worldwide Marketplace
SAN FRANCISCO -- Limnia, Inc., in a private/public partnership with university and national lab efforts, has announced an initiative to aggregate over $100M of...
SolarReserve CEO Terry Murphy to Speak at European Tech Conference
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Terry Murphy, President and CEO of California-based solar thermal power company SolarReserve, has been tapped to speak about the future...
Biodiesel Joint Venture with Mindanao Lumad Tribes Will Bolster Community Development

SolarReserve Hires Solarthermal Power Technology Expert William Gould, Jr.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- SolarReserve, the Los Angeles-based solar thermal power company that has licensed an innovative energy storage technology for on-demand utility-scale solar power, today announced the appointment of William R. Gould, Jr. to serve as Chief Technical Officer.
SolarReserve Announces Appointment of Kevin Smith, a Top Power Plant Development Expert

Oilsource Holding Group Inc. and Abundant Biofuels Corporation Form Joint Venture to Produce Biodiesel in Colombia
MONTEREY, Calif. and BOGOTA, COLOMBIA -- Oilsource Holding Group announced that it has joined with Abundant Biofuels Corporation to begin producing biodiesel from non-food crops in Colombia. Abundant Biofuels Colombia SRL has identified a strong interest from private and government sector.