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California Newsdesk

Calif. Assemblymember Hall Announces Members of the Select Committee on Re-Entry

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- According to a news release issued today, Speaker Karen Bass (D- Baldwin Hills) has named the following members to the...

Foreclosure Crisis in California Addressed at Sacramento Hearing

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbra), Chair of the Assembly Banking & Finance Committee, led the second in a series of...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Thanks Senator Cogdill for His Service in the California Legislature

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement thanking Senator Dave Cogdill (R-Modesto) for his service in the California state...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Decision to Reject Workers’ Compensation Rate Increase

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday issued a statement after Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner rejected a second request by the Workers’ Compensation...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement Applauding Pfizer’s Decision to Include California in Global R&D Network

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday issued the following statement applauding Pfizer’s announcement to include California in its global research and development...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Launch of 'I Built It-Youth' Campaign

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday announced the launch of the “I Built It-Youth” campaign, a statewide effort to begin training California’s...

Nevada Assembly Speaker Barbara E. Buckley to be Hosted by Nava at Calif. State Capitol

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Nevada has a Successful Loan Mediation Program. What: Hearing of the Assembly Banking & Finance Committee (the second in...

Blood Equity – Controversial Film about NFL Player Injuries opens Nov. 20

LOS ANGELES /California Newswire/ -- Three-time Super Bowl Champion Roman Phifer's controversial film about NFL Player Injuries to hit theaters November 20th, 2009. Beverly...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Takes Action to Secure Available Recovery Act Funds for Early Childhood Education

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Building on his commitment to both high-quality early childhood education and bringing available American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act)...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Appoints Roger Brautigan Secretary of CDVA, Announces Appointment of Rocky Chavez as Undersecretary

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the appointment of Roger Brautigan as secretary for the California Department of Veterans Affairs...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of Captain John Gaffaney

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement regarding the death of Capt. John P. Gaffaney of San Diego:...

Calif. Assemblymember Nava to Investigate Hidden Credit Card Fees for California Consumers

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbra), Chair of the Assembly Banking & Finance Committee, today announced that the Committee will hold...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Appoints John J. Benoit District IV Riverside County Supervisor

RIVERSIDE /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday announced the appointment of John J. Benoit to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, representing District...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Celebrates Opening of EVI Worldwide Headquarters in Stockton

STOCKTON /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday joined officials from Electric Vehicles International (EVI) to announce the opening of their new worldwide headquarters...

Calif. Assemblymember Pedro Nava Demands Answers from California’s Largest Banks

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara), Chair of the Assembly Banking & Finance Committee, asked California’s largest financial institutions on October...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds Passage of Historic Comprehensive Water Package

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement regarding the legislature’s passage of an historic package to reform and rebuild...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger’s Race to the Top Legislative Package Passes State Senate

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued the statement below after the California State Senate voted to pass SBX5 1, the bi-partisan measure...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Appoints Louis Fuentes District I Imperial County Supervisor

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the appointment of Louis Fuentes to the Imperial County Board of Supervisors, representing District I....

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds Senate Education Committee for Standing by California’s School Children, Passing SBX5 1

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday issued the statement below after the state Senate Education Committee voted 5-0 to approve SBX5 1,...

Southern Calif. event offers free diabetes and high blood pressure screenings to African American men at barbershops

LOS ANGELES /California Newswire/ -- Some 100 barbershops throughout Los Angeles and the Inland Empire will be bustling with extra activity this Saturday, November...

CCC Panel to Examine How Music Makes Money on the Internet

LOS ANGLES /California Newswire/ -- Building a fan base and earning money in a digital world are the topics for a special presentation by...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Celebrates Opening of World’s Largest Landfill Gas to Liquefied Natural Gas Facility in Calif.

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today celebrated the opening of the world’s largest landfill gas to liquefied natural gas (LFG-to-LNG) facility in...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Barstow Veterans Home Receives Highest Possible Honor for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid

BARSTOW /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced that the Veterans Home of California in Barstow (VHC-Barstow) has received the highest possible honor...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of Merced Soldier

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today released the following statement regarding the death of Pfc. Lukas C. Hopper, of Merced: “Maria and...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Deaths of Military Air Crew Members

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement regarding the deaths of Maj. Samuel Leigh, 1st Lt. Thomas Claiborne, Lt....

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of San Diego Soldier

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement regarding the death of Sgt. First Class David E. Metzger of San...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces More Jobs Saved or Created in California Through Recovery Act Spending

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today joined Vice President Joe Biden at the White House for the Obama Administration’s release of the...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of CHP Officer Jarrod Martinez

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement regarding the death of California Highway Patrol (CHP) Officer Jarrod Martinez of...

Ca. Gov. Schwarzenegger Appoints Michael Picker Senior Advisor for Renewable Energy Facilities

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the appointment of Michael Picker as senior advisor to the Governor for renewable energy facilities....

Calif. Assemblymember Pedro Nava Applauds Historic Federal Hate Crimes Legislation

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara) applauds the President and Congress for taking a historic stand and signing the Matthew Shepard...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Secures Commitment to Continue Net Metering for Solar

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement after Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) committed to increase the amount of...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of Hawthorne Soldier

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today released the following statement regarding the death of Sgt. Eduviges G.Wolf of Hawthorne: “Sergeant Eduviges Wolf...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Applauds President Obama’s Investment in Smart Grid, Providing Boost to Renewable Energy Projects

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement applauding President Barack Obama’s announcement to invest $3.4 billion in smart-grid technology...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Deaths of Camp Pendleton Marines

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement regarding the deaths of Cpl. Gregory M.W. Fleury of Anchorage, AK, Capt....

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Appointments – 10.27.09

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the following appointments: First, Jennifer Allen, 44, of Sacramento, has been appointed to the State...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Offers Rewards for Information in Two Unsolved Murder Cases

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today offered rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction in a California court of the...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Sends Letter to Congressional Leaders on Health Care Reform

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today sent the following letter to the Congressional leaders encouraging them to act on comprehensive health reform...

California’s Film & Television Incentive Program Records Early Success in Retaining Jobs

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced that 36 film and television productions are set to shoot during the last quarter of...

Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces Calif. Appointments

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Appointments announced Oct. 23, by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger include: Alexander Calero, 33, of San Diego, has been appointed to the...

Nava to Introduce Oil Industry Fair Share Act – New Legislation will make Big Oil Pay for California Crude

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D - Santa Barbara) will be joined by seniors, school employees, healthcare providers, environmentalists and others to...

Nava Calls for Investigation of Department of Fish and Game Policy on Euthanizing Animals

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Assemblymember Pedro Nava (D-Santa Barbara) sent a letter today to the Chair of the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee...

Gov. Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation to Move Los Angeles Stadium Forward

LOS ANGELES /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed Assembly Bill X3 81 by Assemblymember Isadore Hall (D-Compton) to speed up the construction...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces $48 Million in Infrastructure Funds to Upper Yuba River Levee Improvement

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced that his administration is expediting the implementation of $47.5 million in Proposition 1E funds to...

Gov. Schwarzenegger Signs Legislation to Restore Funding to Calif.’s Domestic Violence Shelters

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today signed SBX3 13 by Senator Elaine Alquist (D-San Jose) to restore $16.3 million of state funding...

Natalie Innocenzi Named 92nd Rose Queen

PASADENA /California Newswire/ -– The Pasadena Tournament of Roses named Natalie Anne Innocenzi as the 92nd Rose Queen today. This announcement concludes a month-long...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Death of Moreno Valley Soldier

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement regarding the death of Specialist Michael A. Dahl, Jr. of Moreno Valley:...

Gov. Schwarzenegger and Gov. Osuna Millán Sign MOU to Increase Collaboration Between California and Baja California

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Baja California Governor José Guadalupe Osuna Millán today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to continue...

Calif. Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement on Obama Administration Plan to Assist Housing Finance Agencies

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today issued the following statement after the Obama Administration’s announced move to provide support to housing finance...

Calif. Recovery Task Force: 25 Percent of the 250,000 Education Jobs Saved or Created Nationwide are in California

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued the statement below after the White House released a Domestic Policy Council report documenting the impact...

Governor Schwarzenegger Highlights Calif. Public Safety Legislation

SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ -- Building on his commitment to keeping dangerous weapons off California’s streets and out of the hands of criminals and gang...