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Tag: Democratic Majority Whip

Assemblymember Raul Bocanegra

Calif. Governor Brown Signs Bocanegra Bill to Reduce Railroad Fatalities – AB 695

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Assemblymember Raul Bocanegra’s (D-Pacoima) legislation to improve safety at railroad crossings for pedestrians and motorists was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. AB 695 would require safety arms to lower and vehicles to stop at a safe distance whenever railroad equipment passes through a crossing.
Assemblymember Raul Bocanegra

Bill to Address California’s 2017 Teacher Shortage Receives Passing Grade – AB 1217

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The Calif. State Assembly voted 77-0 to approve Assemblymember Raul Bocanegra’s (D-Pacoima) legislation to establish a teacher residency program that will address the state’s dire need for high-quality special education, bilingual, math, and science teachers. The California Teacher Corps Act of 2017, AB 1217, would provide a resident teacher with financial assistance in the form of a stipend in exchange for participating in the program.
Assemblymember Raul Bocanegra

Calif. Democratic Majority Whip Announces Support for Rep. Xavier Becerra Attorney General Appointment

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Calif. Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra (D-Los Angeles), the Assembly’s Democratic Majority Whip, announced his full-fledged support for Rep. Xavier Becerra’s (D-Los Angeles) appointment as California’s next Attorney General.