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City: Trabuco Canyon

Trabuco Canyon News – business, entertainment and technology news from Trabuco Canyon, California

Art Inspires 7 Year Old to Create Line of Clothing and Benefit Charity

Haley Schmidt's HaleyBopTeesTRABUCO CANYON, Calif. -- Possibly the youngest fashion designer in the country, 7 year old Haley Schmidt has designed and created her own line of T-shirts titled, HaleyBopTees. This inspiring young artist has a flare for fashion and a passion for art, so much so that not only are her T-shirts are sold online at www.haleyboptees.com, they are also sold at Out Of The Bleu children's clothing boutique in Foothill Ranch, California.

HaleyBopTees Fashionable T-Shirt Line Designed by 7 Year Old Girl Breaks into Retail

HaleyBopTeesTRABUCO CANYON, Calif. -- While most 7 year old girls are just learning to put on their own t-shirts, one special girl is busy creating them. Haley Schmidt at just 7 years old might be the youngest t-shirt designer in the country with her new line of fashionable children's t-shirts titled HaleyBopTees.