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Tag: Legalize Ferrets

California Ferret Advocates Push Forward – Support Needed for Petition 2025-003! | National News

LA MESA, Calif. /California Newswire - National News/ -- Ferret lovers across California and the nation are rallying behind Petition 2025-003, now officially acknowledged by the California Fish and Game Commission (FGC). This petition seeks to reclassify ferrets as domestic animals, challenging California's outdated and scientifically unsupported ban, LegalizeFerrets.org announced today.
Legalize Ferrets Pauses its Lawsuit, Files Petition

Legalize Ferrets Pauses its Lawsuit, Files Petition for Regulatory Change with California Office of Administrative Law

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /CALIFORNIA NEWSWIRE/ -- Legalize Ferrets, the grassroots organization advocating for the legalization of domestic ferrets in California, has announced a strategic pause in its ongoing lawsuit in San Diego Superior Court. The decision follows the filing of a petition for regulatory change with the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL), marking a new approach in the effort to challenge the state's longstanding ban on ferrets.
Pat Wright, long time ferret legalization advocate

California Ferret Activist Pat Wright Files Lawsuit Against Calif. Fish & Game Commission President Eric Sklar

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Pat Wright, a resident of La Mesa, California, has filed a lawsuit against Eric Sklar, President of the California Fish and Game Commission in San Diego Superior Court, challenging the arbitrary classification of domestic ferrets as wild animals. The lawsuit, titled Wright v. Sklar, was filed in the San Diego Superior Court and seeks a writ of mandate and declaratory relief. Wright is the founder of LegalizeFerrets.org.
Legalize Ferrets

California Ferret Owners Submit Ballot Initiative to Attorney General for Legal Opinion – AG Ignores Civil Code on Domestic Animals

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Non-profit Legalize Ferrets (legalizeferrets.org) announced today that we are disappointed that California Attorney General ignores Civil Code in Domestic Ferret Ballot Initiative. The ferret legalization grassroots organization, has repeatedly asked the California Attorney General for a legal opinion.
LA MESA CA Ferret Friendly

City of La Mesa CA offers Official Proclamation Supporting Ferret Legalization for California

LA MESA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Mayor Mark Arapostathis and all members of the La Mesa City Council issued a proclamation on November 9 urging the California State Legislature to pass ferret legalization legislation, non-profit Legalize Ferrets announced today.
Ferret Owners Hopeful

Ferret Owners Hopeful as California Fish and Game Commission Finally Consider Issuing Pet Permits

LA MESA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Legalize Ferrets, a California organization that continues to advocate for ferret legalization in the state, has a watchful eye on The California Fish and Game Commission this month. Why? The commission is set to consider issuing permits for ferrets during its April 26, 2017 meeting in Van Nuys, Calif.

On National Ferret Day 2015, California Ferret Enthusiasts Launch Crowdfunding Campaign for Ballot Initiative

LA MESA, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- April 2 is National Ferret Day in the USA and California ferret lovers are using the occasion to launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. Tired of working and waiting for ferret legalization, which never comes despite thirty years of efforts - LegalizeFerrets.org is planning a ballot initiative to free our domestic ferrets from unnecessary and unfair regulation.