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Tag: Galorath Incorporated

Galorath Inc. announces Estimator of the Year Award for 2014 goes to Dr. Ricardo Valerdi

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Galorath, Inc., creator of SEER(R) project estimation software, is excited to announce that it has awarded its 2014 Estimator of the Year honor to Dr. Ricardo Valerdi, professor at the University of Arizona.

Galorath Inc. reaches agreement with Dassault Systemes to integrate SEER for Manufacturing with CATIA product design application

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Galorath, Inc. today announced that it has reached an agreement with Dassault Systemes to integrate SEER for Manufacturing with CATIA, the world's leading application for product design and innovation. For many companies, cost estimating is a very fragmented activity and the inclusion of SEER's Cost Estimator in CATIA will allow manufacturers to initially model and test composite manufacturing processes and tradeoffs during the earliest and most preliminary stages of design.

Galorath, Inc. Webinar to Focus on Lessons from Healthcare.gov Challenge with Analysis and Simulation Tools

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Dan Galorath, CEO of Galorath, Inc., and Lee Fischman, Senior Director of Development of Galorath, Inc. and Lev Lehsokin, EVP of Strategy and Market Development at CAST Software (Euronext:CAS), will provide an expert examination of Healthcare.gov and the challenges associated with such a project. The companies will host a webinar on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 8:30 a.m. PST where they will give an overview of the lessons learned and detail how organizations can avoid making similar mistakes.