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California Federation of Teachers

California Federation of Teachers Statement on Governor Brown’s 2017-18 Budget Proposal

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Thanks to the passage of Proposition 55 in the November 2016 election, California will be able to maintain its commitment to providing quality public education to the state’s more than six million students in the years to come, says the California Federation of Teachers. While Governor Brown cites fiscal uncertainties due to likely changes in federal education policies and funding under the Trump administration, as well as projections of lower state revenues than anticipated, his proposed state budget keeps investments in public education a priority.
California Federation of Teachers

Statement from the California Federation of Teachers: Calif. Voters Have Spoken, Time to Roll up Our Sleeves

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- With the passage of Proposition 55, California’s voters resoundingly (62-38) agreed that public education remains a top priority. The...