Oncologist Dr. David Minor to discuss new options for patients and their families for disease that knows no known cure.

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. — California Kidney Cancer Foundation Executive Director, Dr. David Minor will present a review of treatments for metastatic kidney cancer as presented at the most recent American Society of Clinical Oncology Conference. The presentation will be from 3 to 5 PM on September 15, 2007 at California Pacific Medical Center, 2333 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, Calif.

Kidney cancer is one of the most fatal forms of cancers and is increasing in frequency. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 35,000 Americans will be diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2007. More than 13,000 people will succumb to the disease. Kidney cancer is the 7th most common cancer among men in America. There is no known cure for metastatic kidney cancer, which usually impacts, lungs, brain and bones.

California Kidney Cancer Foundation“The progress made by researchers and pharmaceutical companies on treatments for kidney cancer over the past 24 months has been nothing short of spectacular,” said Dr. David Minor. He added, “But with all the new options, there are many new choices for treatment and since many of the new drugs are giving in combination, planning the correct course of treatment has become more complex. By educating doctors, urologists, patients and their family members, we have a real shot at saving and prolonging lives.”

Those wishing to attend the presentation should contact Dana Monroe at the California Kidney Cancer Foundation at danamariemonroe@comcast.net or 415-885-8600. Driving and parking directions can be found at http://www.ckcc.org.

About the California Kidney Cancer Foundation:
The Foundation’s activities are directed at ongoing exploration of cures, treatments and patient support for kidney cancer patients. The Foundation believes that many of the lessons learned from kidney cancer treatment may be relevant to the treatment of other forms of cancer. The Center research activities are funded by the California Kidney Cancer Foundation, a nonprofit foundation.

More information can be found at http://www.ckcc.org/foundation.htm.

[tags]California Kidney Cancer Foundation, Dr David Minor, treatments for metastatic kidney cancer, San Francisco events[/tags]