Helder Alves de Oliveira. Photo courtesy of Helder Oliveira

LOWELL, Mass. /California Newswire – National News/ — The Lowell Chamber Orchestra (LCO) is pleased to introduce Helder Alves de Oliveira the winner of its 2025 International Call-for-Scores. His score “Resiliens” was chosen following a completely anonymous process of evaluating 138 entries from all over the world based on merits of originality, orchestration, structure, and other compositional techniques. His work will be performed during LCO’s 2025-2026 season, and Mr. Oliveira will receive a monetary prize.

Mr. Oliveira is a Brazilian composer, pianist and music educator, holds a PhD in Music Composition from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was a 2019-20 Fulbright Visiting Researcher at LSU, and has received several composition awards in Brazil, USA, Germany, Portugal, Canada, Ireland and Denmark.

“Congratulations to Helder, and everyone who participated,” says LCO’s Music Director Orlando Cela. “We are very pleased with the result and look forward to performing this fabulous work next season.” Cela continues, “We are particularly glad with the completely anonymous process and rotating judges, which allows for absolute fairness. […] This is our way to have a process in which there is complete equality fostering diversity by including composers of all ages, genders, and races. Despite the current federal administration’s racists views, we still believe DEI is a fundamental part of every arts organization.”

The Lowell Chamber Orchestra is Lowell’s first and only professional orchestra. We provide the area with an ensemble that presents music at a very high level, of all styles and time periods, entirely free to the general population. Now in its sixth season, the LCO has presented concerts that encompass established orchestral repertoire as well as multimedia works, stage works, lecture-presentations, and chamber music. As part of its mission of promoting, preserving and educating, the repertoire include works from the Baroque, to current commissions.

The LCO has presented over a dozen local and world premieres by Anna Clyne, Brian Raphael Nabors, José Luis Elizondo, Anthony R. Green, Bongani Ndodana-Breen, Jeremy Gill, and many others.

One can read more about Mr. Oliveira and the competition by clicking the link below:




Antonio Mak

Learn More: https://lowellchamberorchestra.org/

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NEWS SOURCE: Lowell Chamber Orchestra. Story was sourced from a press release issued by Send2Press® and used with permission. View the original story at: https://www.send2press.com/wire/lowell-chamber-orchestra-announces-winner-of-its-international-call-for-scores/