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City: Cerritos

EPIC trends 3rd Annual BRINGING CHRISTMAS HOME event

EPIC trends’ 3rd Annual BRINGING CHRISTMAS HOME event for 2024 donates creatively decorated trees to families facing hardship

CERRITOS, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- This year families with children undergoing treatment at local children's hospitals can check one thing off their holiday to-do list, getting a Christmas tree, thanks to a local brand representative firm and its clients. EPIC trends and partners launched their 3rd annual holiday campaign, Bringing Christmas Home, by delivering 200 undecorated Christmas trees to its diverse group of clients in design around Southern California.
Pantheory Research Organizatio

The Pantheory Research Organization has announced their new, published scientific research and related journal-published papers

CERRITOS, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- The Pantheory Research Organization has announced the release of their new, published scientific research and related journal-published papers. The first paper is called "The Surprising and unexpected discoveries the James Webb Space Telescope will likely make, based upon our research."
Pantheory Research Organization

Pantheory Research Organization announces 2021 paper on a new ‘Theory of Everything’

CERRITOS, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- A new "Theory of Everything" is being presented by the Pantheory Research Organization. This theory combines Quantum Mechanics (QM), the theory of the smallest particles, with General Relativity (GR), the theory of gravity and the world of the large, in a theoretical construct which they assert is without contradiction. This is their latest version of the theory that relates to problems in the forefront of modern physics as of the fall of 2021.
Radio Telescope - CREDIT: Marat Gilyadzinov

‘Dark Matter probably does not exist’ was a major conclusion of an extensive 2020 research study

CERRITOS, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- According to the Pantheory Research Organization, a multi-year study of many dozens of randomly-chosen spiral galaxies has concluded that dark matter probably does not exist. According to the paper's lead author Forrest Noble, this conclusion was based upon a number of factors: First, that the observable matter of spiral galaxies was all that was needed to exactly predict their observed velocity profiles.
IntelliMedia Networks at 2019 NAB Show

IntelliMedia Networks’ HoloPort and Mixie on shortlist for 2019 NAB Show Product of the Year Awards

CERRITOS, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Leading Cloud video solutions provider IntelliMedia Networks’ (NAB 2019 Booth SU 8924) two products have been shortlisted for 2019 NAB Show Product of the Year Awards. The 18-year old media solutions company based out of Los Angeles, provides IP video delivery and streaming media solutions.
Tony Mendoza and CHP

Calif. Senator Tony Mendoza and CHP Hosted a Holiday Traffic Safety Event Dec. 11, 2015

CERRITOS, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Senator Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), the California Highway Patrol (CHP), California Office of Traffic Safety, Los Angeles County...