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Ojai News – business, entertainment and technology news from Ojai, California

Lighthouse Learning Solutions

Lighthouse Homeschool Offers Free Calif. Homeschooling Curriculum for Summer 2021

OJAI, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Due to the recent explosion in homeschool learning, Lighthouse Homeschool Solutions, a division of Lighthouse Learning Solutions, LLC, is offering a free online curriculum for the summer of 2021.

Chosen Lawyers can Connect Those in Need of Law Services with Volunteer Legal Consultation

OJAI, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- 'Chosen Lawyers reaffirms its commitment to making 'Equal Justice Under Law' available to all people regardless of race, religion, gender, national origin or status,' proclaims Paymon Barati-Darmian, attorney and founder.

Effin Press Announces New Book: ‘It’s Favre Not Farv You Bobbleheads!’

OJAI -- Effin Press(TM), an independent publisher in California, is pleased to announce the publication of "It's FaVre Not FaRv" by Jon Christopher, J.D....

Buzz-Off Malaria Campaign Launched by Non-Profit Global Resource Alliance

Buzz-Off MalariaOJAI, Calif. -- Global Resource Alliance (GRA), a California-based 501(c)(3) non-profit, announces the launch of its "Buzz-Off Malaria" campaign. The organization will provide a World Health Organization (WHO) approved Long Lasting Insecticide Treated mosquito bed Net (LLITN) and a bottle of homeopathic neem tincture, a safe, natural malaria prophylactic, free of charge to a child living in the Lake Victoria region of Tanzania for each person going to their website and joining the Buzz-Off Malaria campaign.