You want a Voice? You have a Choice! John Krause today has announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress, seeking the 2014 Republican Nomination for United States House of Representatives to represent Florida’s First Congressional District.

Florida First Congressional District PENSACOLA, Fla. /California Newswire/ — You want a Voice? You have a Choice! John Krause today has announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress, seeking the 2014 Republican Nomination for United States House of Representatives to represent Florida’s First Congressional District.

“I began in 2009, my campaign to run for the U.S. Congressional seat for Florida District One against an 8 year incumbent,” says Krause.

As a conservative Republican, I have a strong sense of civic duty, a righteous anger over unfair policies, and motivated by dissatisfaction with the incumbent and belief the time has come for fresh new faces in Washington and to get away from the “Good Old Boy system” of doing things to make a real difference to the whole Washington political game.

We should be sickened by what “We the American People” have to tolerate for our choices in Congress. However, anyone who has ever run for public office understands the stressors, highs and lows, and the negative campaigning, but on daily basis, we still hear the same-old rhetoric, lies and deceit right from the scripted play books.

This is why I John Krause have decided to run again in 2014; to fight for a difference in the status quo, and make a real commitment to, and on behalf of, the people in my district.


After losing the election in 2010, we found ourselves being notified that we were being looked at not for one, but three (3) IRS audits had been issued for me within the (6) six months. Most people are surprised about long time incumbents using the IRS as an abusive whipping tool or a political “cat of nine tails” to punish or send a message to the challenger of the system or their office.

As I’m seeking the 2014 Republican Nomination for United States House of Representatives to represent Florida’s First Congressional District, I am often asked, “why would anyone want to run for public office, especially you? Weren’t you bullied, targeted, financially beaten and psychologically abused enough?”

I was, but as a Republican, I believe the time has come to get back to traditional Republican platforms and not traditional politics. We need to get back to representatives involving their constituents in the process instead of assuming what is best for them. It’s time for representation instead of political lobbyists; it’s time for constitutional values instead of the federal government controlling every aspect of our lives. It is time for free enterprise flexibility instead of being burdened with regulations, time for sound financial management instead of government irresponsibility, and it is time for politicians to answer to their constituents instead of thinking about themselves.

If you agree with me and think it is time to replace the incumbent(s)? Then I am asking you to elect John Krause for U.S. Congress for District 1 on August 12, 2014.

We need tangible leaders for getting Fair Tax!

We must shrink government in all agencies, excluding defense!

We must cut spending on both sides of the isle! Instead of cutting the increases they are awarded in Washington to spend as they see fit!

We must embrace and live by the entire Bill of Rights and ALL the Amendments to our Constitution!

We must strengthen the border and enforce the laws that are on the books for ALL Illegal Residents and activity.

We must give Florida’s First District a People’s Servant Representative for a true difference to Florida District One.

I am John Krause, and I am running for U.S. Congress in Florida’s First District, Republican.



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Published on Tue, 21 May 2013 :: NEWS SOURCE: John Krause :: This press release was issued on behalf of the "news source" (who is solely responsible for its accuracy) by Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope®. Original syndication source of this news item: .