WILMINGTON, Del. — Abacalab, Inc. releases Version 2.1 of the Chemistry Labacus(R) mobile laboratory assistant for chemists. Labacus(R) fills a key gap in laboratory information management between the notebook or desktop computer and the physical laboratory environment where chemistry actually happens.

The new version helps chemists accurately record their laboratory procedures with a sophisticated interface that easily captures chemical manipulations in the lab and translates them to English text on the desktop.

Chemistry Labacus The new functionality is fully integrated with existing Labacus(R) mobile capabilities for freehand reaction sketching, Sigma-Aldrich(R) reagent reference and automated stoichiometry calculations.

The Labacus(R) package also includes desktop portal software that integrates laboratory work with popular desktop software for chemistry drawing, spreadsheet calculations, word processing and now enables one-step printout of complete information on an experiment in a laboratory notebook style.

Labacus(R) is distributed by Chemglass, Inc. (www.chemglass.com) and more detailed information is available at the Abacalab website (www.abacalab.com).

For more information about this product or to schedule an interview with Abacalab, Inc. Founder/CEO Chris Phelan contact Sue Symes at 302-994-7782 or email Sue at symes @abacalab.com.