We Walk Tour 2013: According to GEMS Girls’ Clubs, ‘The World Needs Your Help.’ Everyday children in your neighborhood are going to bed hungry, enslaved to work countless hours, homeless because their dad lost his job, abandoned because their family cannot afford to care for them, sold into human trafficking, etc.

We Walk Tour BOZEMAN, Mont. /California Newswire/ — We Walk Tour 2013: According to GEMS Girls’ Clubs, “The World Needs Your Help.” Everyday children in your neighborhood are going to bed hungry, enslaved to work countless hours, homeless because their dad lost his job, abandoned because their family cannot afford to care for them, sold into human trafficking, etc. The world needs the love of Christ – the world needs you!

Do you want to know how to be a world changer for Christ? Than come to the We Walk Tour in Bozeman, Montana on May 18 at Grace Bible Church. This event will encourage daughters and mothers to find their voice and to become justice advocates for Christ no matter their age. It will include inspirational speakers, an enchanting talk with the author of the Micah Road Mysteries books, engaging videos, uplifting praise and worship time, and interactive breakout sessions.

This event will be held on May 18, 2013, at Grace Bible Church from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The cost is $10 per ticket if preordered or $15 per ticket at the door.

You can purchase tickets at iTickets: http://www.itickets.com/events/298441/Bozeman_MT/We_Walk_Tour_Event.html .

More Information:
http://www.gemsgc.org/MRM/?page_id=280 .

About GEMS Girls’ Clubs:

GEMS Girls’ Clubs (www.gemsgc.org) seeks to equip women and girls to live radically faithfully lives – doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. GEMS empower women and girls to know that everyone matters to Jesus and His followers are the world changers, while instilling the belief that they are called to help the world around them. We’ve been doing this for 55 years and have 23,000 girls and 5,200 women a part of the ministry today. Contact: Alecia VanHulzen, (616) 241-5616 ext 3065.

Published on CaliforniaNewswire.com Tue, 02 Apr 2013 :: NEWS SOURCE: GEMS Girls Clubs :: This press release was issued on behalf of the "news source" (who is solely responsible for its accuracy) by Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope®. Original syndication source of this news item: https://www.send2press.com/newswire/The-We-Walk-Tour-2013-Step-Out-The-World-Needs-You_2013-04-0402-001.shtml .