LONGVIEW, Texas — The world wants to know if Jesus had a bride named Mary Magdalene. The truth is, not only did he betroth her, he came to earth to purchase a bride. “You Are At The Time For Love” (ISBN: 978-0-9797411-0-4) now reveals His bride. This book was written from a personal experience by the author, Mickey McNew.

Is it symbolic or could it be literal? “You Are at the Time for Love” unveils this mystery of Christ becoming “one flesh” with His bride (Eph. 5:31-32). Through Scriptures, Jewish customs, and personal experience, author Mickey McNew gives the meaning of this revelation and encourages readers to “know” (ginosko) the Lord as Husband. (2 Cor. 11:2). Readers will discover the answers to the hearts desire to experience love and intimacy; unlocking this thin line between spirituality and sexuality (1 Cor. 6:16). Christ Jesus, the Bridegroom, desires to reveal Himself and share this love that Scripture proclaims to “surpass knowledge” (Ephesians 3:19).

Somewhere between Tommy Tenney’s “God Chasers” and the Second Coming, God raised up an unsuspecting author to write this prophetic teaching. Mickey McNew’s book, “You Are At The Time For Love” whose title comes from the poignant passage in Ezekiel (16:4-37) studies three essential metaphorical “types” that the Bible puts forth to illuminate the depth of intimacy that Jesus desires for His bride. So much of what Jesus has to say during his ministry is intelligible only to those who are conversant with the Jewish protocol for marriage. What Jesus tells His disciples, the embryonic germ of his bride, is the starting of the prophetic “stopwatch” ticking off the seconds till the trumpet sounds and the Bridegroom comes for his bride.

This and more is revealed in this fast-paced, spiritual book. Following the wedding description, is a scholarly examination of the Jewish feasts as they relate to and predict Christ’s return. For anybody who seeks a better understanding of these Old Testament symbols, Mickey provides an instructive-overview.

The book is available for purchase at http://www.unveilingthebride.com/buy-bride-of-christ-book.

About the Author:

Mickey McNew was born and raised in Longview Texas. He grew up as an ordinary kid with good parents. He played sports throughout his young adult life taking a real interest in baseball. Due to early stages of rebellion and a knee injury, he quit sports. After high school, he went off to a technical college and landed an eight year sentence in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. It was there he started his journey with God. After serving time, Mickey began once again to “Master Life”! Trying to grow in faith and maintain the ways of the world, he found himself out of the will of God.

“All God has ever wanted from us, is to make the commitment to read His word and know the whole truth of who God is,” Mickey states. Mickey read God’s word from cover to cover causing a hunger in him that could not be quenched. This hunger brought him into the very presence of God and into this revelation of being the literal bride of Christ. This is how Mickey gained the knowledge and revelation which he wrote in his book “You Are at The Time for Love” (ISBN-13: 978-0-9797411-0-4).

Mr. McNew is available for speaking engagements, book signings, radio and television interviews and other media appearances. He can be reached through his website, http://www.unveilingthebride.com or by phone at 903-452-9415.

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