MURIETTA, Calif. /California Newswire/ — The Tenaja Environmental Concerns Association (TECA) is requesting a call to action from Riverside County public officials to stop issuing kennel permits in Residential and Equine neighborhoods. It says that the existing ordinance needs to be updated to address specific property rights of surrounding residents and to introduce additional conditions to safeguard them from the negative impact these kennels present to these communities.

UPDATED/CORRECTION: the Board of Supervisors hearing has moved from April 25, to May 2, 2017.

Stop Issuing Kennel Permits
“When Ordinance 630 was first written, there were more open spaces than there are today. Now, those same spaces are home to residential and equine neighborhoods and while the area has changed, the ordinance has not,” Scott Becker, resident and active member of the Tenaja Environmental Concerns Association, says.

As a result, TECA members are asking the county to implement additional conditions before issuing new kennel permits.

“Many counties and cities throughout the U.S. provide for stringent restrictions such as distance and zoning requirements before a kennel permit is approved,” Becker says. “Issuing kennel permits in pre-existing residential communities is unfair and unjust to residents and surrounding property owners.”

According to TECA members, kennels create the likely potential for a noise nuisance, undue stress and possible health concerns. They significantly decrease surrounding property values and pose a danger to children, domestic pets and horses. These residents also feel that kennels do not belong in the sensitive Santa Rosa Plateau area as the noise, feces and introduction of too many dogs disrupts the natural environment and wildlife.

“We’re asking the county to recognize the rights of its citizens and to protect sensitive ecological areas. The current and very antiquated ordinance needs to be amended to provide more protection to the residents of Riverside County,” Becker says. “Other surrounding areas such as the City of Riverside, Kern County and San Bernardino County have already updated their ordinance to recognize and define kennels as a commercial use, which would be a prohibited use in residential areas.

A public hearing is scheduled before the County Board of Supervisors on April 25, 2017 (moved to May 2) at 9 a.m.; Riverside County Building, 4080 Lemon Street, 1st floor. Transportation and carpooling are being provided to the hearing. To schedule a ride, call: 951-660-2586.

Concerned residents can also contact Supervisor Kevin Jeffries at: 951-955-1010 or to voice their concerns.

A petition has been started and the goal is to collect 10,000 signatures by April 25. The petition and additional information can be found on their website at

Residential communities need to be protected and Riverside County has an important role to play. It can update Ordinance 630 and stop issuing kennel permits to ensure a quiet, safe and peaceful environment for its citizens.