BOONTON, N.J. — Total worldwide sales revenue for telecommunication gateways and session border controllers is expected to increase at a compounded rate of nearly 13 percent over the next five years, says a new market study from INSIGHT Research. This specialized equipment enables traditional phone networks to interconnect with next generation network services that make extensive use of the Internet. During 2008, nearly $2 billion worth of gateway technology will be sold in global markets; by 2013, sales of new gateway gear will increase to $3.5 billion annually, according this industry research study.

INSIGHT’s newly-released market analysis report, Network Gateways, Multi-Access Systems, and the SS7-to-IP Migration, 2008-2013, reveals that while global gateway sales will increase at just under 13 percent over the forecast period, hybrid-fiber coax gateways, SIP gateways, and session border controllers will buck the trend and are expected to exhibit sales revenue growth rates in excess of 30 percent over the forecast period.

This study examines nine types of gateways as well as session border controllers, all of which are driven by similar market demand. The study forecasts unit demand and revenue by geographic region for session border controllers, SIP gateways, enterprise gateways, enhanced services gateways, wireless gateway, media gateway, hybrid fiber coax gateways, wholesale gateways, signal gateway and Internet telephony gateways.

“The Next Generation Network, which will make extensive use of IP and web services is still years away from generating serious revenue, and in the meantime carriers are not about to fork lift out the infrastructure that makes them money today,” says Robert Rosenberg, INSIGHT’s president.

“Gateways form the link between today’s revenue-generating services and what the carriers will be building to generate their future revenue streams, so we expect the telecommunications gateway market to continue growing for at least the next five years,” Rosenberg concludes.

A free report excerpt, table of contents, and ordering information are available online at .

This 185-page report is available immediately for $3,995 (hard copy). Electronic (PDF) reports can be ordered online.