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Tag: Stanley D. Prowse

Attorney Stanley D. Prowse of San Diego North County Embraces Mobile Tech for Law Information Portal

CARLSBAD, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- In response to the growing demand for sound legal information available over the internet, Certified Family Law Specialist Stan Prowse in San Diego has released an updated mobile-friendly version of his comprehensive and easy to understand legally oriented web site. Easy access to helpful legal information is now available 24/7/365, optimized for all devices and web platforms.

San Diego Attorney Stanley D. Prowse featured on Andrea Kaye Radio Show 'Legal Eagle' Programs

CARLSBAD, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Carlsbad attorney Stan Prowse was approached in early 2013 by the Andrea Kaye Financial News and Talk radio show to participate in a Legal Eagle series of segments focused on Family Law. Since that time seven segments have been produced and aired live on AM1450 San Diego and AM1510 Las Angeles.