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S.F. Mayor Edwin M. Lee

SF Mayor Lee Launches Enterprise Zone Web App to Help City Businesses Access Tax Credits

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Mayor Edwin M. Lee announced the launch of the San Francisco Enterprise Zone Web App, a web-based tool that allows San Francisco businesses to apply online for the City’s popular Enterprise Zone hiring tax credit program. The Enterprise Zone Web App will replace a completely paper-based process with a web based tool which increases government efficiency and makes it easier for businesses to utilize the program.

San Francisco Mayor Lee Launches FashionSF Economic Development Initiative

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- S.F. Mayor Edwin M. Lee today launched FashionSF, a new economic development initiative focused on supporting the retention and growth of apparel manufacturers and fashion designers in San Francisco. Mayor Lee joined by Supervisor Malia Cohen made the announcement at Cayson Culinary Designs in the Bayview and toured their workshop.