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COO Andria Lightfoot

SocialCoach.io Welcomes Fintech Pro Andria Lightfoot and Launches AI Driven Social Media Marketing Solution

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- SocialCoach (socialcoach.io), a leading mortgage and real estate social media technology platform today announced the appointment of Andria Lightfoot as company President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) amidst their first-even AI Driven Social Media product launch.
Kennedy Intelligent Data

Kennedy Intelligent Data Partners with Blueshift Cyber Security to Provide Data Security Services

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- With the threat of ransomware and cyber-attacks in general growing daily due to worldwide unrest and economic insecurity, Kennedy Intelligent Data (KID) has allied with Blueshift Cyber Security. This alliance allows KID to provide comprehensive and turnkey managed security services for companies like those in the auto industry that are at significant risk of data theft and financial harm to their customers.
Kennedy Intelligent Data

Kennedy Intelligence Data (KID) to Begin AI Marketing Program for California Toyota Dealerships

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Kennedy Intelligence Data (KID) with its partner SQREEM Technologies Pte. Ltd. developed and executed a program for Toyota of San Bernardino with its proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) technology to increase the success of the dealership's digital advertising campaigns.
Kennedy Intelligent Data

Kennedy Intelligent Data Forms Alliance with SQREEM Technologies to Better Serve Automotive Industry

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Kennedy Intelligence Data (KID), a subsidiary of Kennedy Marketing Group (KMG) has formed an alliance with SQREEM Technologies Pte. Ltd., a leading artificial intelligence firm to provide superior real-time and behavioral driven digital advertising services for the automotive industry. KID has exclusive rights to SQREEM's proprietary artificial intelligence platform for the automotive industry.
native garden and butterfly sculpture at Casa Romantica

Casa Romantica Re-opens Gardens to Public During Spring Bloom in San Clemente

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, an award-winning Southern California 501(c)(3) nonprofit, opened their gardens to the public on Friday, May 22, in accordance with social distancing and safety guidelines provided by the state of California.
Casa Romantica and City leaders

Casa Romantica Shares Beauty of Convergence of Art and Place in New Exhibit at John Wayne Airport

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, an award-winning southern California 501(c)(3) nonprofit, celebrated the opening of its new exhibit on display at John Wayne Airport on Saturday, February 8.

CLA announces that Tami Heim is the new president and CEO of Christian Leadership Alliance

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif., /California Newswire/ -- The Board of Directors of Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) has named Mrs. Tami Heim as CLAs new president and CEO. She will begin in this role on Jan. 1, 2012.