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Tag: California Department of Motor Vehicles

Governor of the state of California Seal

Calif. Gov. Newsom announces appointments for 3.19.25, including to the California Film Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /CALIFORNIA NEWSWIRE/ -- On Wednesday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced the following appointments: First, Emily Warren, of Orinda, has been appointed Deputy Secretary for Innovative Mobility Solutions at the California State Transportation Agency. Warren has been an Advisory Venture Partner at Fontinalis Partners, LLC since 2019.
Calif. Governor Brown

Calif. Gov. Brown Announces Appointments for Nov. 5, 2013 including to the California Student Aid Commission

SACRAMENTO, Calif. /California Newswire/ -- Today, Calif. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced the following appointments: First, Jean Shiomoto, 57, of Sacramento, has been...