For the past fourteen years the SB-Cal survey has helped shape state policies for small firms

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Small Business California (SB-Cal) has launched its annual small business survey, open for responses from small business owners and executives throughout the state. Executives will now be able to complete the online questionnaire, which will be used to inform elected officials and policy makers on the issues that are most salient to small business owners in California.

SB-Cal - Small Business California
As Small Business Saturday happens across the nation on November 24th, Small Business California has launched its annual survey for the 14th year in a row. In California, small businesses employ nearly half of California’s workforce. 99.8% of all California businesses are small businesses and are responsible for creating nearly 200,000 jobs annually. Small businesses are a backbone of the California economy and there is no better way to gauge the health of California’s small business community than by communicating with them directly as Small Business California does annually.

“The Small Business Survey provides an outlet through which small business owners directly influence legislators in Sacramento,” says SB-Cal President Scott Hauge. “This is an excellent opportunity for small business executives to have their concerns addressed and to ensure that their businesses are able to grow and thrive in California.”

This year’s survey incorporates questions about California’s elected officials, healthcare policies in California, and views on the general state economy.

SB-CAL encourages all small business owners and executives in California to participate in the survey, which can be found here.

Past survey results can be found at SB-Cal’s website:

Highlights from the 2017 Small Business Survey:

  • The availability and rising cost of healthcare was the highest priority issue for small business owners for the second year in a row.
  • 46% of the small business executives who responded believed that California was on the wrong track. California’s climate for small businesses gave these executives pause, with 29% rating it a 1 out of 5 and 46% foreseeing it getting worse over the next few years.
  • For the first time, the survey received more female respondents (51%) than men (48%).

Past survey results helped lead to the Department of Industrial Relations Labor Enforcement Task Force looking into illegal practices of the underground economy. Past results have also caused SB-Cal to take a stand for the Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act.

About Small Business California (SB-Cal):
SB-Cal encompasses more than 3.2 million small businesses in the state. It is a proactive, non-partisan business advocacy organization whose only agenda is the well-being of California small businesses. Working for all California small businesses for a better business environment. SB-Cal is responsive to the needs of California small business owners.


Media Only Contact:
Scott Hauge
Small Business California President
(415) 680-2109


// Editorial Note: the above text was provided as a press release and is believed accurate but is not guaranteed. Content was not created by