LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Sit ‘n Sleep announces its sponsorship of SleepBook.com – a new educational web site designed to educate people about the importance of quality sleep. Site visitors are encouraged to take a short, but comprehensive survey about their sleep habits. Once the survey is complete, a free, customized “Sleep Book” of approximately 35 to 40 pages is generated and delivered to the user’s inbox. Sleep Book users have two sleep survey choices – instant or multi-day. The multi-day survey includes questions that are emailed over the course of three days and inquire about the user’s previous night’s sleep. The multi-day survey provides users an in-depth and detailed analysis of their sleep habits and quality.

SleepBookOnce the sleep survey is complete, users receive a customized Sleep Book outlining how the person is sleeping now and how he or she can sleep better in the future. The book addresses dreams, environment, sleep routine, diet, and more.

The Sleep Book is filled with individually-tailored sleep health advice, and also includes a wide range of tips and strategies for achieving a better night’s sleep.

Of course, the sleeper’s mattress plays a large role in the level of sleep quality.

“At Sit ‘n Sleep, our top priority is to help people in Southern California to sleep better,” Larry Miller, president of Sit ‘n Sleep says. “Our sleep consultants know that a mattress is only as good as the quality of sleep people get from it.”

Sit ‘n Sleep (www.sitnsleep.com) is the largest mattress retailer in Southern California and the company’s commitment to sleep health is unsurpassed.

“We’re the only mattress retailer in Southern California to use a sophisticated body diagnostic machine in all of our store locations,” Miller adds. “Our body diagnostic machine makes more than 17,000 calculations to match sleepers with an optimal mattress type. The data is amazing.”

So, when the diagnostic machine data is coupled with the sleep survey data, a SleepBook.com user is well on his or her way to resting easier.

The Sleep Book and interactive survey were conceptualized and developed by William Fernandez, Director of Interactive Marketing for Wingman Media (www.wingmanmedia.com), a full-service retail advertising agency.