S.F. Mayor Edwin M. LeeSAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Mayor Edwin M. Lee on Friday (Jan. 18) issued the following statement on San Francisco’s unemployment rate dropping to 6.5 percent in December for San Francisco County, its lowest since 2008, based on preliminary unemployment numbers released by the State Employment Development Department (EDD):

“When I first came into office in January 2011, San Francisco’s unemployment rate was 9.6 percent; today it was announced that for the month of December 2012, it was 6.5 percent, the lowest unemployment rate since 2008. It’s a new year and we are experiencing a consistent improvement in our economy, yet we will not rest for the 30,900 San Franciscans who are still unemployed. I will continue to work with every business sector in the City to make sure we continue to support policies that grow jobs and put San Franciscans back to work.”

San Francisco County registered the third lowest unemployment rate (6.5 percent) among California’s 58 counties as of December 2012. Jobs located in San Francisco County increased by 4.3 percent on a year-over basis as of the second quarter of 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That ranked the county 15th in performance out of the 329 largest counties in the nation and represented a year-over job expansion of about 26,000 jobs.