SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Mayor Edwin M. Lee on Friday issued the following statement on San Francisco’s unemployment rate dropping to 8.1 percent in October, based on preliminary unemployment numbers released by the State Employment Development Department (EDD):

“Creating jobs in our City – from small businesses in our neighborhood corridors to new innovation and technology startups to construction jobs for crucial infrastructure projects – remains my highest priority. In the last ten months, we’ve seen a marked drop in San Francisco’s unemployment rate, showing our economic polices are continuing to move San Francisco’s economy in the right direction.

Although we have among the lowest unemployment rates in our State, it is still unacceptably high. I will work every day to create jobs and drive economic growth across our City’s economy.”

Since January 2011, the unemployment rate has dropped steadily from 9.5 percent to 8.1 percent. This 1.4 percent decrease in unemployment represents an additional 14,000 employed San Franciscans in a broad range of industries including professional, scientific, and technical service, construction, food service and healthcare.