Today, RoweBots Research Inc., a leading supplier of tiny, embedded, Linux-compatible real-time operating system products, announced the availability of its Unison OS wireless components in the Embedded Software Store.

Unison OS WATERLOO, Ontario /California Newswire/ — TOday, RoweBots Research Inc., a leading supplier of tiny, embedded, Linux-compatible real-time operating system (RTOS) products, announced the availability of its Unison(TM) OS wireless components in the Embedded Software Store (ESS). These components provide out of the box support for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, UHF, cellular networks and 6loWPAN for wireless connectivity in just 10 minutes for either free evaluation or commercial licensing.

Wireless protocols provide one of the key building blocks embedded designers need to implement Internet of Things (IoT) applications focused on the edge, that require both sensor technologies and low energy MCU devices.

Offering these wireless protocol stacks along with the wide range of Unison components such as file systems, advanced Internet protocol stacks, serial communications, system analysis, mixed TCP/IpV4/V6 and USB ensure that developers can utilize these completely off the shelf components to give them head start on new designs by reducing in house development up to 90 percent. These components, all based on the POSIX standard ensure that both time to market and total cost of ownership are minimized.

“OEM developers can avoid reinventing existing software and reduce their development cost and accelerate their time to market by adopting the RoweBots software offering,” said Tim Barber, Senior Vice President, Design Chain Global Business Development, Avnet Electronics Marketing. “Adding RoweBots’ wireless components combined with specific hardware modules, allows customers from a broad set of industries immediate, low cost, low risk and trouble free way to add wireless to their applications.”

“ARM developers worldwide can now easily access RoweBots Unison OS wireless solutions via The Embedded Software Store. These standard software components can be reused by many companies across a range of wireless applications, improving productivity and reliability,” said Charlene Marini, vice president, Embedded Market Segment, ARM. “Access to proven, commercially available software, at a fraction of what it would cost to create in-house, enables developers to focus on delivering high value, differentiated solutions.”

The Embedded Software Store (ESS) – – was launched in 2011 by Avnet Electronics Marketing, an operating group of Avnet, Inc. and ARM, provides an embedded marketplace that brings developers and software vendors together, providing easy access to available software that supports ARM architecture. Today the ESS offers over 1000 products including wireless connectivity from RoweBots Research.

“Working with ARM and Avnet to handle demand creation for software IP and generate sales on the Embedded Software Store, allows RoweBots to focus on the creation of world class software modules for rapid system assembly,” said Kim Rowe, CEO of RoweBots. “ESS makes it easier to find and acquire off the shelf software components via the web anytime, anywhere.”

More about Unison:

Unison’s open standards, ultra tiny size, modularity and lack of GPL contamination are the key features which substantially reduce system development risk, cost and time. OEMs can use the industry’s preferred operating system APIs and still utilize tiny, low cost MCUs without fear of contaminating their applications, doing extensive optimization, retraining their staff and redeveloping existing POSIX and Linux applications.

See the wireless video for your application here:
Bluetooth: .
6lowpan (IPv6 mesh network): .
WiFi .

Additional videos can be found on the RoweBots YouTube channel at .

Unison V5.2 is ( ) hosted on Linux, Windows(R) XP, Vista(R), System7(R) andSystem8(R) for x86 platforms. Unison support, training and consulting for the entire ARM MCU portfolio is available from RoweBots via Embedded Software Store.

Unison V5.2 is shipping from the software store today for a broad set of ARM devices. Commercial licenses for Unison wireless components start at $1999 USD.

About RoweBots:

RoweBots is developing the next generation of modular system on chip ultra tiny embedded Linux software for embedded OEM for the Internet of Things and M2M communication for a broad set of embedded applications. The company is based in Waterloo, Canada. For more information, visit the RoweBots web site .

Trademarks: Unison is a registered trademark of RoweBots Research Inc. All other product and company names are the trademarks of their respective owners.


Published on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 :: NEWS SOURCE: RoweBots Research Inc. :: This press release was issued on behalf of the "news source" (who is solely responsible for its accuracy) by Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope®. Original syndication source of this news item: .