LOS ANGELES, Calif. — “Sustainable” has become an American buzz word and “buy local” is a message that is popping up everywhere. That’s why a newly launched e-commerce site, MadeinUSAForever.com, promises to sell items made only in the U.S. It’s no secret that manufacturing in the U.S. is on the decline. According to The Economic Policy Institute, the rising trade deficit in manufactured goods accounts for approximately 58 percent of the decline in manufacturing employment between 1998 and 2003 and 34 percent of the decline from 2000 to 2003. This translates into 1.78 million manufacturing jobs lost since 1998 and 935,000 since 2000.

While the answer to this problem is complex, MadeinUSAForever.com is doing its part to support domestic suppliers and to match them with consumers who wish to grow local economy.

MadeinUSAForever Suppliers listed on MadeinUSAForever.com include: Maple Landmark, a Vermont toy maker; Wickers, high-performance sportswear; Ion Actif, high-end Yoga wear; Amana Woolen Mill, woven blankets; Texas Jeans; Bamboosa, eco-friendly, bamboo-fabric clothing; Andrew Rohan Sweaters; and King Louie, a union-clothing maker that manufacturers one of the only U.S.-made nylon jackets. More suppliers are being added daily.

“While many consumers are afraid that nothing is made in the U.S. anymore, there are still many quality items ranging from the practical to the premium, made right here,” Todd Lipscomb, president and founder of MadeinUSAForever, said. “Our company’s goal is to make it easy and fun for consumers to find American-made goods.”

According to Lipscomb, it’s not just about important issues like worker and product safety and a healthy environment; it’s about America’s future.

With a great interest in history, Lipscomb has found no example in history of a culture that makes nothing that thrives in the long term.

MadeinUSAForever.com has compiled a large inventory. The company does not request that third parties fulfill orders; they have invested in inventory to ensure quality and rapid shipment.

Lipscomb has spent over 10 years in the high-tech industry, including one of the nation’s leading, computer-component manufacturers. He authored “Achieving Prosperity: An Ethical Guide to Building Wealth,” and, having worked abroad in Asia, knows firsthand the challenges America is facing.

To find cool products and to discover the top 10 reasons to buy American, visit: http://www.MadeinUSAForever.com.

[tags]MadeinUSAForever shopping site, made in USA shop, Ion Actif Yoga wear, Bamboosa bamboo fabric clothing, Los Angeles Business News, Todd Lipscomb[/tags]