CANTON, Ohio /California Newswire/ — Ohio Gratings, Inc. has launched TornadoGuard™ a new steel louver designed in accordance with the FEMA 361 Standard for tornado shelters and other similar applications. The TornadoGuard Steel Louver System is designed to protect critical infrastructures from tornado strength wind and debris.

According to Carl Griffin, Marketing Director, “All parts of the building envelope must be able to withstand the impact of wind-borne debris. FEMA 361 Section 3.4.2 (C) requires that openings in tornado safe rooms must meet the requirements of ICC-500 which states that all components must resist the impact from a 15 pound (6.6kg) sawn lumber 2 x 4 feet.”

TornadoGuard Steel Louvers are made from heavy-duty carbon steel plates and channels and available in panel sizes up to 8 feet wide and 12 feet high. TornadoGuard can be fabricated into asymmetrical shapes, doors or hatches and provides 50 percent open area for airflow and 100 percent visual block.

Since 1970, Ohio Gratings, Inc. has been a leader in the aluminum and steel bar grating market. With headquarters in Canton, Ohio and additional facilities in South Carolina, Texas and Utah, Ohio Gratings, Inc. is committed to providing quality products and quality service.

For more information, please visit: or call 1-800-321-9800.

News Source: Ohio Gratings, Inc.

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