JEFFERSON VALLEY, N.Y. — For those dreaming of installing a small vineyard at their home, Vinescapes Inc. announces May is rush time. Plants must be in the ground before June 2, which makes this the busiest time of the year for the home vineyard industry. Those who miss this crucial window can prepare the vineyard this season by installing the trellising, testing and amending the soil. But must wait until next year to start their new vines. Those interested in creating their own home based vineyard need to act quickly in order to get their vines in the ground before the buds begin to swell.

Growers should expect usable grapes in about three to five years after first planting vines. Common red and white grapes grown in New York State include cabernet franc, riesling, sayval blanc, traminette, and vidal blanc just to name a few. Home based winemakers can expect about a gallon of wine per vine once they start producing grapes.

With advances in vineyard techniques over the past ten years, more and more people are creating personal home based wineries. Some companies, like Vinescapes, Inc., take customers from planning a vineyard all the way through teaching making wine from their own grapes-from the vine to the wine. This is a great option for those looking to make their own organic or kosher wines or just bottle their own label. It is a good idea for those just starting out to take advantage of such expertise.

It doesn’t take much to create a small vineyard – as few as ten vines. This brings the idea of a boutique winery to a whole new level. In order to yield the highest-quality grapes it is important to start with a good piece of land and the right vines for the location.

According to Christopher DeNisco of Vinescapes, Inc. ( “You would be surprised at how easy it can be to start a home-based vineyard. Right now is our busiest time of the year as new and expanding vineyards rush to get their plants in the ground.”

Vinescapes, Inc. custom-designs home and commercial vineyards to ensure that growers have the best chance of success.

Contact Christopher DeNisco by calling 914-588-7729 or visit