emissions control technologyBRIDGEPORT, N.J., Dec. 13 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Value Recovery, Inc. announced today that Guadalupe Cooling of Nipomo, CA has obtained a license to use Value Recovery’s methyl bromide emissions control technology for its new Quarantine and Pre-shipment fumigation operation. The facility will be constructed by Controlled Environments Construction of Tustin, CA who are major US building contractors in the agricultural sector.

Value Recovery has developed and patented a technology for the environmentally friendly chemical destruction of methyl bromide after fumigations. Value Recovery’s methyl bromide emissions control technology works by forcing the air stream containing methyl bromide into an aqueous thiosulfate solution prior to releasing the air into the atmosphere. This “chemical scrubbing” method not only protects the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere but also protects workers and bystanders.

The technology is comprehensive, chemically destroying over 90% of the methyl bromide released from a fumigation facility while producing no hazardous byproducts. The company plans to raise the destruction level to 95% within three years.

Value Recovery’s technology has been granted the status of Best Available Control Technology (BACT) and is becoming recognized as the most economic and environmentally acceptable method for the continued use of methyl bromide.

Current Quarantine and Pre-shipment operations in ports around the US vent hundreds of thousands of pounds of methyl bromide directly into the atmosphere without any emissions controls. Under the US Clean Air Act, new sources of methyl bromide and other hazardous pollutants must evaluate emissions control technology before they can operate. Value Recovery believes that its technology will become the de-facto standard for methyl bromide emissions control.

Peter J. Joyce, President of Value Recovery says; “Up until the 1970′s the chemical industry vented its pollutants directly into the atmosphere and up until the 1990′s the same can be said for the automobile industry. We look at the introduction of this technology as a natural progression that will be used by those forward thinking agricultural companies who are truly dedicated to lessening their environmental footprint.”

About Value Recovery:
Value Recovery is an environmental research company focused on removing and destroying hazardous chemicals with its patented reactive separations technology. Besides destroying fumigants, the company has technology for destroying water soluble pollutants such as phenols, cyanides and acrylates. The company was founded in May, 2000.

More information: www.valuerecovery.net .

News Source: Value Recovery, Inc. :: This press release was issued on behalf of the news source by Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope®.

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STORY REFERENCES: New Fumigation Emissions Control Facility, Value Recovery Inc, New Jersey Newswire, methyl bromide emissions control technology, Clean Air Act, fumigation, Controlled Environments Construction, US building contractors in the agricultural sector, chemicals, Peter J Joyce, Irvine