SACRAMENTO /California Newswire/ — Nevada has a Successful Loan Mediation Program. What: Hearing of the Assembly Banking & Finance Committee (the second in an ongoing series by the Committee) on California’s foreclosure crisis and the growing use of mediation programs to prevent foreclosure and keep families in their homes.

When: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 10 a.m.

Where: State Capitol, Sacramento, Room 447

Who: Assemblymember Pedro Nava, Chair, Assembly Banking & Finance Committee

Speaker Barbara, E. Buckley, Nevada State Assembly

Robert F. Saint-Aubin, Foreclosure Mediator, Saint-Aubin Mediation

Brad Blackwell, Executive Vice President, Retail National Sales, Wells Fargo

Allen Jones, Default Management Public Policy Executive, Bank of America

Brian Finch, Vice President, Government Relations & Public Policy, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Norma Garcia, Senior Attorney, Consumer’s Union

Caitlin Vega, Legislative Advocate, California Labor Federation

Pedro Morillas, Legislative Advocate, CALPIRG

Andrew Jakabovics, Associate Director for Housing and Economics, Center for American Progress.

In conjunction with California Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, Chairman Nava recently introduced AB 1588, which is sponsored by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. This measure will establish a foreclosure mediation program for borrowers who want to renegotiate their loans and have received a notice of default. Other states, including Nevada, have tried similar mediation programs and have seen success.