TORRANCE, Calif. — Neotrope(R), a leading advertising, PR, and Internet Marketing firm established 1983, today announced it has been chosen by a cutting edge creative commercial finance company, Lease With Crystal (www.Leasewithcrystal .com), to provide promotion and brand development for their company and Website.

As part of this program, Neotrope will provide its proven ContextEngine(R) search engine Deep-Linking Technology, first introduced in fall of 1996. “We’ve been searching for the proper vehicle to launch us onto the laptops and office desks of business owners for some time now, this absolutely shows us the way,” said Crystal Riley, of the Lease With Crystal namesake.

NEOTROPEAbout Lease With Crystal
Lease With Crystal brings a big business know-how and a friendly simplistic approach to their clients in the equipment leasing world. The goal is to help businesses stay competitive, and afford the equipment they need now. “All clients benefit from our skill of matching the right business with the perfect custom leasing program – regardless of the industry. From lasers to tractors, we make growth possible, all while saving cash flow,” Riley says.

Lease With Crystal is a brand new company, established in 2008, affiliated with Lease One which has over 19 years of industry experience. More information on their Equipment Leasing programs can be found at: http://www.Leasewithcrysta .

About Neotrope(R)
Based in Torrance California, Neotrope ( has been helping small-to-medium businesses and entertainment companies establish their brand and grow revenue since 1983. Neotrope has launched over 600 Websites since March of 1995 and has developed “patent worthy” proprietary solutions for Internet Marketing and search positioning. Send2Press(R) Newswire, a service of Neotrope, offers best-in-class affordable news distribution for small-to-medium businesses. Send2Press also leverages Neotrope’s ContextEngine(R) press release optimization technologies and PRTRax(TM) reader tracking for business intelligence. 2008 marks the company’s 25th Anniversary.

Neotrope President/CEO Christopher Simmons is a leading authority on press release optimization, an award-winning multimedia designer and journalist, and is a member of the Public Relations Society of America, and ASCAP. A noted technologist, Mr. Simmons is frequently interviewed by organizations like Entrepreneur(R), Chicago Post Tribune, PC World(R) and Trendwatch.

More information: .

[tags]Neotrope interactive marketing, press release optimization, Christopher Simmons, creative commercial finance company, Lease With Crystal[/tags]