SAN JOSE, Calif. — Mobi33, Inc., an innovative cross-media and multi-channel mobile content management and distribution platform, today unveiled its full suite of mobile and online coupon distribution applications that will automate the launching of mobile and online coupon sites. Advertisers will now be able to generate mobile and online coupon sites with simple type-in text and images by using the new Mobi33 coupon auto-generation platform. Content is automatically converted to both WAP (mobile Internet) and Web formats.

Consumers will be able to search, browse and send coupons to their mobile phone as text messages. Once published, consumers may also access these coupons and Ad messages by interactive voice response or by keyword text messaging.

mobi33 online couponsBusinesses can implement a “performance-based” advertising model using Mobi33. A tracking system records coupon requests from both mobile and online coupon sites allowing companies to charge back to their clients based on the actual number of coupons delivered.

The advertising industry acknowledges mobile and online coupons to be one of the fastest growing channels for Internet Marketing during the next three years. Mobi33’s mobile and online coupon distribution platform offers clients the opportunity to enter and capture this fast growing market with fully automated web based tools and a simple straightforward process. Using Mobi33, a business can launch eCoupon sites in less than a day at a highly affordable price.

In addition to auto coupon site generation, the Mobi33 platform also comes loaded with all of the original features – Voice2SMS, Text2SMS, Kiosk2SMS (for digital signage and Kiosk Ad networks), WAP2SMS and Web2SMS. Businesses can easily deploy mobile campaigns such as Text2Win, sweepstakes, voting, polling and trivia games with consumers accessing Ad content using the five available channels.

To license the platform under private label, please contact

For further information and a product demo, go to: .

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