NEW YORK, N.Y. — Possibly foreshadowing next month’s presidential election results is the overwhelming show of support for the decision to keep a portrait bust of Michelle Obama on display at Manhattan’s Leo Kesting Gallery. Viewers walking into the west village gallery earlier this month were polled about whether to keep Michelle Obama’s likeness on display until the election, or remove it on its originally scheduled exhibition closing date. The gallery reports that the support in favor of the Obama portrait was overwhelming.

Michelle Obama by Daniel EdwardsThe portrait bust, by sculptor Daniel Edwards, shows Obama emanating a calm demeanor with unfurled brow for a profile made graceful with high cheekbones and prominent chin. “We are celebrating Michelle Obama in a way that suggests how, as Americans, we are fundamentally proud of our country’s diversity,” said gallery director David Kesting.

“There have been requests to remove the portrait from display, but we sensed that was merely a reflection of differences in political opinion,” said gallery director John Leo. “Contrary to what we hear from the media, the experience of exhibiting Mrs. Obama’s portrait bust has shown us that Americans are more respectful of race issues than many may seem to believe.”

The gallery maintains it is not promoting a political party affiliation by exhibiting the Obama portrait. “We are simply showing support for someone who we feel is making a difference in the world today,” said Kesting. “But, perhaps to show bipartisanship, we believe Daniel is currently working on a statue of Bristol Palin.”

The portrait bust of Michelle Obama will be on view through November 4th at Leo Kesting Gallery, 812 Washington St. For info call 860-564-0123 or 917-650-3760.

[tags]Michelle Obama by Daniel Edwards, Leo Kesting Gallery[/tags]