MIAMI, Fla. — Marine Exploration Inc. (MEI) begins Pink Sheet trading (stock symbol MEXP) with over $600,000,000.00 in treasure-salvage contracts. MEI joined forces with legendary treasure explorer and salvager, Burt Webber, to begin salvage operations in the Caribbean. Primarily designed for treasure seekers, MEI brings together world-renowned, successful explorers, researchers and skilled divers to locate and salvage treasure ships.

Through the use of cutting-edge, high-tech equipment that is designed and licensed specifically for each mission under exclusive development contracts, MEI is setting the new standard for legitimate, research-based treasure exploration.

Marine Exploration At the core of MEI’s mission is the recovery over $600,000,000.00 in ancient gold, silver, gems, Ming dynasty china and one-of-a-kind valuables.

MEI and Webber hold exclusive permits with the Dominican Republic’s government to conduct search and recovery operations in Serranillas and on the Silver Bank. While countless shipwrecks linger in these areas of the Caribbean Sea, MEI is currently pursuing these two primary projects.

Significant archival research has closely narrowed the probable wreck sites to the extent that dedicated survey operations should require no more than two to five months to yield desirable results. MEI has long term goals of pursuing dozens of notable shipwrecks, worldwide.

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