OVERLAND PARK, Kan., July 3, 2012 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — As our country celebrates Independence Day, it’s an appropriate time to reflect on the value itself, says Terry Truesdell, President and CEO of The National LTC Network. Mirriam-Webster’s dictionary defines independent as: not subject to control by others; not requiring or relying on something else; not requiring or relying on others (as for care or livelihood).

It’s easy to proclaim our belief in independence when we’re young, healthy, and self-supporting. It’s difficult to imagine a day when assistance is required due to a breakdown of body or mind, or what is considered the normal aging process. When we require assistance from others, is it possible to maintain independence?

One of the often-cited reasons for doing long term care planning and buying long term care insurance is the desire to “not be a burden to others.”

“It makes sense that one of the best ways to lift the burden of extended caregiving is to fund our future care,” says Truesdell.

The same way that a person purchases life insurance to avoid leaving dependents in the lurch financially if they die, many purchasers of long term care insurance (LTCI) buy coverage to avoid having their family’s lives disrupted by the need to provide and/or pay for extended care. Others, especially those without adult children nearby, want to reduce the risk of relying on government-funded programs. Long term care insurance gives the policyholder options at time of need that self-insuring or government programs may not.

“The patriots and founding fathers showed us that sometimes it takes action to maintain independence. Today, those of us who plan on living a long life and maintaining our independence are well-advised to consider long term care insurance,” says Truesdell. “We have member firms in every state, with highly-knowledgeable agents available to help with long term care planning.”

About The Network:
The National LTC Network has, for 18 years, been a national leader in long term care insurance distribution. The 30 member firms comprising The Network include some of the most well-respected and successful firms in the industry. Find a Network member firm at http://www.nltcnmembers.com/.

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