Yesterday, Donald Trump reacted to the election recount in Wisconsin and to the news that Hillary Clinton has over 2 million more popular votes than him, by lashing out on Twitter and arguing election fraud. President-elect Donald J. Trump claimed through social media that he “won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

Latino Victory Fund

Following is a response from Cristóbal J. Alex, President of Latino Victory Fund:

“The President-elect of the United States should not be casting doubts or spreading lies about the election results, but then again this isn’t the first time that Trump cries wolf on voter fraud – he even encouraged his own supporters to commit voter fraud during the campaign so this isn’t surprising.

“Trump’s allegations that millions of votes were cast illegally are just outright false and have been debunked many times.

“This is another instance of Trump throwing a fit and reacting impulsively to a situation. The American people deserve a President who will recognize and follow facts, not make up wild claims to substantiate his vivid imagination when things don’t go his way.

“Members of the media should call out Trump for these baseless claims and hold him to the standards of the highest office in the land.”