LOS ANGELES, Calif. — James Nemec, LMT, CST-D, raised on the Atlantic ocean, begins to question the power of touch and collective emotions in the CraniOcean Media release of, “TOUCH THE OCEAN: THE POWER OF OUR COLLECTIVE EMOTIONS” (ISBN: 978-09792805-0-4). “One Light Touch Can Change the World” is a theme that runs throughout this intriguing look at the power of light touch and the possible effects of positive and negative energy that is released into the world.

Have you ever wondered what happens to the energy of our raw emotions when we release them into the universe? What if our collective emotions can actually affect weather or cause catastrophic events? Could our bodies be oceans in miniature? And what if one person’s light touch can heal another, or ultimately affect the world?

Touch the Ocean Based on actual events. “TOUCH THE OCEAN” shows us how to meet the ocean for ourselves. It raises the question for debate of our power to heal others, and our planet, or, on the other hand, of our power to create massive damage, particularly via our weather, treated here as nature’s safety valve to release collectively suppressed emotional steam.

In a lyrical writing style which flows in waves, the author shares an intimate account of his own life experiences and emotions and in doing so compels the reader to consider different ways to experience life and living. He recounts stories of healing touch in the ocean and stories of his fascinating hands-on work with dolphins and humans in the Bahamas under the auspices of The Upledger Institute of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. He shows how each dolphin can have an entirely unique approach to healing. We also discover the health benefits of “craniosacral therapy.”

Is there a connection between unhealthy emotions and the weather? These are questions Nemec dares ask in “TOUCH THE OCEAN” (ISBN-13: 978-09792805-0-4, $19.95, CraniOcean Media) the story hailed, “A modern day Siddhartha.”

James Nemec, a poet and L.A. playwright, has worked as a therapist in craniosacral and massage more than 15 years. Regarded as an expert in his field, his unique intuitive, yet clinical approach has been known to relieve and treat “unsolvable” neurological disorders. For more information, visit his popular website, http://www.craniocean.com .

The book is available at: Barnes and Noble, Amazon.com, Borders.

[tags]CraniOcean Media, author James Nemec, Touch the Ocean, craniosacral therapy[/tags]