LOS ANGELES, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Mayor Villaraigosa today announced the second year of Fashion’s Night Out, a City-driven program to help spur consumer spending and generate revenue for Los Angeles.

“Fashion’s Night Out is about restoring consumer confidence and sending more Angelenos to malls and independent retailers in every pocket of our thriving, diverse City,” Mayor Villaraigosa said. “My Office of Economic and Business Policy has been driving Fashion’s Night Out because we see the potential for infinite growth in an industry that already generates $5.7 billion in sales every year and employs 120,000 Angelenos.”

Fashion’s Night Out is a global initiative to celebrate fashion, restore consumer confidence and boost the industry’s economy in cities across the world and will take place on September 8th from 6pm – 10pm. Under the leadership of Mayor Villaraigosa and his office of Economic and Business Policy, the City of Los Angeles will participate for the second year in a row in Fashion’s Night Out.

From Abbot Kinney to West Third Street to Studio City, over 200 large and small retailers will participate by offering in-house fashion shows, creative give-a-ways and sales to promote consumer spending in the fashion industry.

At the press conference, the Mayor will also announce a partnership with Fred Jordan Missions for a back-to-school clothing drive. Angelenos will be able to help provide new clothing to over 5,000 children by dropping off clothing donations at any of the bins surrounding the activity of FNO.

Mayor Villaraigosa will also discuss Shop LA, a year-round effort to encourage Los Angeles residents to do their shopping, dining and other spending within the city limits of Los Angeles to generate significant and much-needed revenue for the City.

Sales tax constitutes the 5th largest source of general fund revenue for the City of Los Angeles. For every ten dollars in sales tax spent within Los Angeles, the City receives a dollar that goes towards services such as public safety, libraries, park and recreation programs and animal shelters.

The press conference was held at Beverly Center, an employer of 2,700 Angelenos. The Mayor took a tour with the Executive Vice President of Forever 21, Larry Meyer, to meet the workers at their new flagship store that employs 150 people. Forever 21 also employs over 2,000 people at their downtown LA headquarters.

For more information about Fashion’s Night Out and Shop LA, go to fashionsnightout.com or shoplacity.com .