Michigan chimney sweepTECUMSEH, Mich., March 31 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Through the years, April 1st has been a day of good humor, fun antics, and other practical jokes on friends, family members, and co-workers, says Doctor Flue. Businesses and media have played the game also, sometimes resulting in lasting memories of fun and silliness that are recalled months and years later.

Consider the Left Handed Whoppers. In 1998, Burger King ran an ad in USA Today, saying that people could get a Whopper for left-handed people whose condiments were designed to drip out of the right side. Not only did customers order the new burgers, but some specifically requested the “old” right-handed burger (Source: Wikipedia).

For a family-owned, family-operated business, April Fool’s Day could prove quite interesting. New business ideas and announcements that originate on April Fool’s Day tend to stick in someone’s mind for quite some time. However, the highlight of April 1st, 2011, will be the special announcement of “Doc,” also known as Kevon H. Binder, owner of Doctor Flue, Inc., located in Tecumseh, Michigan.

“Doc” of Doctor Flue is known throughout the community for his uniqueness. He started the chimney-sweeping business 25 years ago, wearing the sweep’s traditional top hat and long tails, with red-rimmed glasses, a stethoscope, and driving a 1953 Dodge Panel Truck. His business has grown over the years, to 28 counties in three states, in both services offered and his family team of experts ready to serve their customers.

Doctor Flue strives to find a unique way of connecting with their customers in order to serve them better. “We are a family owned, family operated and a family focused service company that is dedicated to helping you and your family ensure the safety of your home,” explains “Doc.”

Over the past year, “Doc” has involved his customers in bettering the business. An on-line survey of satisfaction was implemented on his website, www.drflue.com and clients could log in to offer their comments about the services provided. They also logged in ticket numbers they received when the Doctor Flue team visited their home to take care of chimney and fireplace service.

Snowstorms and cold temperatures are typical of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio winters. But a massive ice storm over President’s Day put a damper on things across the community as people worked to clean up property damage from the ice and fallen tree limbs. The Doctor Flue team assisted their customers in ensuring their chimney and brickwork was safe, repaired, and stable, and he helped them process their insurance claims.

Now, “Doc” is going to fit a bit of sunny Aruba into the wintry weather mix. “Doc” has promised one week of warm, tropical weather to a pair of his lucky customers, as a result of the survey and ticket registration collected on his website. One lucky ticket will send two people for a week’s stay at Playa Linda Beach Resort in Aruba, complete with airfare and local transportation.

“Doc” picked April 1st to present two lucky winners their Aruba sweepstakes. He may even dress in his lucky, traditional chimney sweep attire for the event! Who will receive the April Fool’s Day winning presentation? Only Doctor Flue knows! Stay tuned.

For more information, visit www.drflue.com/ .

News Source: Doctor Flue, Inc. :: This press release was issued on behalf of the news source by Send2Press® Newswire, a service of Neotrope®. View all current news at: Send2PressNewswire.com .