HOUSTON, Texas — Now, even stay-at-home moms can have access to an attractive benefits package. Beginning in 2008, the web-based company HoustonSAHM.com, also HoustonStayAtHomeMom.com, will launch its new membership program, a “fringe benefits” plan for residents of Houston and the surrounding areas that provides numerous rewards and discounts simply for being a stay-at-home mom.

The most compelling benefit is the free weekly Street Sweets — member appreciation give-aways of books and magazines, groceries, Marble Slab ice cream, Shipley’s donuts, and an assortment of other goodies — for each week of 2008. Additional benefits include savings from partners on swim lessons, handyman services, CPR training, dining, and photography, to name a few. Add to that a free makeover, rebates on purchases, a networking portal for establishing mommy connections, and eligibility for HoustonSAHM.com job opportunities, and the absence of traditional “career mom” benefits like paid sick days are hardly missed.

Beginning November 2, moms can sign up for 2008 HoustonSAHM.com membership online or purchase a gift membership for a friend at http://www.HoustonSAHM.com for the promotional rate of $12, with a portion of proceeds benefiting Life Houston, a short-term emergency assistance program that provides infant formula and food to disadvantaged babies. Membership is also open to moms who work outside the home and even dads.

The whole “benefits package” idea began when stay-at-home-mom Karen Logan made a goal to create a dynamic website for Moms who stay home to raise the kids. The 2008 membership program becomes effective exactly a year after the company’s start date of January 1, 2007, because, as Logan puts it, even “stay-at-home moms should have benefits.”

Members and non-members alike however can already take advantage of the website’s numerous features designed to enhance the journey of motherhood such as free preschool lesson plans, printable checklists and planning documents, information articles, local events, coupons, a Kids Eat Free guide, jokes and brainteasers, access to volunteer opportunities, support groups, news, and a Mom Spotlight.