Planese Inc.SUNNYVALE, Calif. /California Newswire/ — Planese Inc. today released a summary of its latest Consumer Satisfaction Survey, the first for 2014. Local Retailers are the best at meeting the needs of their customers – and grocery stores offer the most predictable consumer experience. The report was compiled from a survey of U.S. homeowners to determine their level of satisfaction with purchases of goods and services in 11 key industries.

The survey objective was to benchmark the level of customer and product/service satisfaction in different industries and compare those to the home improvement and remodeling industry.

Dan Fritschen, homeowner consumer advocate and founder of summed up the results: "Consumers are winning by getting better service and products as online and local retailers work to gain market share in an ever increasing competitive environment."

He added, "Home improvement and home remodeling have fewer consumers reporting that the product and service met their expectations frequently because consumers are inexperienced with buying these goods and services. Therefore, they haven't calibrated their expectations with the realities of the remodeling process and typical results."

Customer satisfaction scores with providers ranged from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). The aggregate score was based on answers to a variety of consumer experience questions including quality, convenience, stress, ease of researching the purchase, etc.

Local retailers scored the highest in overall customer satisfaction.

Key Industries Customer Satisfaction Aggregate Score
Other local retailer 5.5
Grocery store 5.2
Educational institute 4.9
Online retailer 4.7
Car sales 4.5
Health care provider 4.5
Home improvement and remodeling 4.5
Cell phone and Internet service 4.0
Banking and investment institutions 4.0
Government services 3.7
Transportation 3.7

Product/service satisfaction average scores were based on the percentage of respondents who reported that products and services met their expectations – neither exceeded them nor fell short. Retailers had majorities reporting that products and services exceeded expectations. Health care, cell phone, grocery and transportation industries all have 10 percent or less of homeowners who felt their services and products exceeded expectations. Home improvement and remodeling services had the lowest average scores, along with those provided by the government, for "meeting expectations."

Product/Service Met Expectations
Grocery store 84%
Health care provider 70%
Transportation 67%
Banking and investment institutions 61%
Cell phone and internet service 54%
Car sales 49%
Online retailer 48%
Other local retailer 43%
Educational institution 37%
Home improvement and remodeling 36%
Government services 32%

About the Survey:

The survey was conducted online during December 10-15, 2013. Sample data was collected from 1,000 homeowners with a modal age of 35 to 55 years, incomes of $75,000 to $100,000, married and with a Bachelor's degree.

About Planese:

Planese Inc., the pioneer in collaborative home improvement, helps homeowners approach, plan, and carry out their home remodeling projects. Planese empowers consumers with the information they need to make informed decisions and get better results from their remodeling investments. More information is available at .

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